Dentistry in Rabbits and Rodents is a practical guide aimed at helping clinicians successfully diagnose and treat dental problems in rabbits and rodents within their own surgeries. With over two-thirds of small mammals presenting with tooth related problems, there is great potential to enhance the treatment offered to the owners of these species. Focusing on innovative diagnostics using normal radiographic machines as well as specific positioning techniques, radiographs are presented with reference lines and detailed annotations. Richly illustrated with high quality photographs, pathological findings are described before selection of appropriate therapy and treatment is discussed. Key features include: Covers the dental anatomy and physiology of all small mammal species commonly kept as pets. Intraoral radiography and innovative positioning for imaging the guinea pig and chinchilla dentitions are described, enabling the practitioner to visualize each tooth in detail. Once a diagnosis has been reached, selection of different treatments and the advantages and disadvantages of each surgical technique are discussed. Offers helpful directives for approaching and treating dental disease without the need for referral to a specialist or the use of expensive equipment. Получить ссылку |
Deep Rabbits
Автор: Ivan Demin
Год издания:
Мне не довелось увидеть мир, о котором мне столь много и красочно рассказывали. Я лишь знаю, что они уничтожили его, превратили не просто в руины, а в нечто более опасное, чужеродное, неподвластное человеческому пониманию. Глубокие кролики это сделали – сказал мне он, оставив меня в полном недоумении. Они всегда жили среди нас и продолжают жить, даже тогда, когда человечеству настал полный крах…
Rabbits For Dummies
Автор: Audrey Pavia
Год издания:
Your hands-on guide to being a responsible rabbit owner Want to raise a happy, healthy bunny? This practical guide gives you everything you need to know to successfully adopt, nurture, live with, and love a rabbit. From choosing a rabbit and preparing its home to training, healthcare, and having fun with your bunny, you get a wealth of expert tips that will have your rabbit (and you) hopping with joy! Jump into bunny basics – decide whether a rabbit is the right pet for you, discover the different breeds, and find out the best places to adopt your bunny Take care of creature comforts – from housing and grooming to feeding and healthcare, provide the best care for your friend Practice bunny «psychology» – understand bunny body language and sounds, handle behavior issues, and train your bunny to do tricks and use the litter box Enjoy the wonderful world of rabbits – play games with your bunny, join clubs and organizations, show your rabbit, and make traveling with bunny easy Open the book and find: Informative photos and illustrations Detailed breed descriptions How to think like a rabbit Tips for handling bad bunny behavior The latest on organic cuisine and homegrown feeding options Games to play with your rabbit How to live with an indoor bunny (which is recommended!) Ten signs that require emergency action A bunch of bunny resources – from rescue groups to registries to Web sites
Professional Responsibility in Dentistry. A Practical Guide to Law and Ethics
Автор: Joseph Graskemper P.
Год издания:
Professional Responsibility in Dentistry: A Practical Guide to Law and Ethics integrates dental law, risk management, professionalism, and ethics, as all are interrelated in everyday practice. Beyond theory, the fact-based approach of this book shows examples of various situations the dentist may face. Dr. Graskemper addresses a range of topics, from legal concepts and regulation of dentistry to professionalism and ethics. He points out specific issues in the practice of dentistry, particularly those that confront new dentists and dentists with new practices. True Cases throughout the book walk readers through real-world examples of complex situations and discuss the proper way to handle them with attention to the legal, ethical, and practice management ramifications. These include patient charting, professional criticisms, child neglect, associateships, patient refunds, and more.
Surgical Essentials of Immediate Implant Dentistry
Автор: Jay Beagle R.
Год издания:
Surgical Essentials of Immediate Implant Dentistry provides a definitive text on this important treatment modality. Assisting readers to make sense of the various clinical techniques and protocols, Beagle discusses the available underlying evidence to provide a practical, comprehensive and navigable aid to attaining a thorough understanding of this complex and highly relevant subject. All aspects of immediate placement of endosseous implants are clearly and scientifically discussed, enabling the reader to survey the entire subject area, fusing clinical guidance with scientific discussion. Surgical Essentials of Immediate Implant Dentistry takes pre-operative risk assessment and indications and contraindications for immediate loading as its logical starting point. It then proceeds to examine the treatment of infected sites, extraction site healing, methods of extraction, surgical protocol, and finishes with a discussion of complications. Surgical Essentials of Immediate Implant Dentistry will find a ready place within libraries of oral and maxillofacial surgeons, periodontists and prosthodontists and will provide all dentists with an interest in implant dentistry with a useful and welcome companion to this expanding area of clinical practice and research.
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