The Fischer-Tropsch process is gaining recognition again due to the world-wide increase in energy needs and decrease in oil availability. The increasing interest in utilizing biomass as a potential renewable feedstock in energy generation is further supporting this development. The book covers the production and refining of Fischer-Tropsch syncrude to fuels and chemicals systematically and comprehensively, presenting a wealth of new knowledge and material. As such, it deals extensively with aspects of engineering, chemistry and catalysis. This handbook and ready reference adopts a fundamental approach, looking at the molecules and their transformation from feed to product. Numerous examples illustrate the possibilities and limitations of Fischer-Tropsch syncrude as feesdstock. Of great interest to everyone interested in refining – not just Fischer-Tropsch specialists. From the Contents: Fischer-Tropsch Facilities and Refineries at a Glance Production of Fischer-Tropsch Syncrude Industrial Fischer-Tropsch Facilities Synthetic Transportation Fuels Refining Technology Refinery Design Получить ссылку |
Гельминты хищных млекопитающих (семейство Canidae, Fischer, 1817) в естественных условиях и на зверофермах
Автор: Е. И. Анисимова
Год издания:
В монографии преставлены результаты многолетних исследований, выполненных авторами в ГНПО «НПЦ НАН Беларуси по биоресурсам», в РУП «Институт экспериментальной ветеринарии им. С. Н. Вышелесского» и Витебской Государственной академии ветеринарной медицины. Она написана главным образом на оригинальных материалах, собранных во время экспедиций, полевых выездов и при проведении экспериментальных работ. Рассматриваются вопросы формирования гельминтоценозов крупных хищных млекопитающих (волк, лисица, енотовидная собака) в различных условиях обитания. Приводятся данные по структуре гельминтоценозов и разнообразию гельминтов в диких популяциях псовых в различных ландшафтах Беларуси, а также по эпизоотологии гельминтозов песцов и лисиц в звероводческих хозяйствах республики. Особое внимание уделяется факторам воздействия гельминтов на организм и реакции экспериментальных животных на заражение гельминтами. Представляет интерес для паразитологов биологического и ветеринарного профиля, а также широкого круга специалистов в области рационального природопользования и охотничьего хозяйства.
Fischer Black and the Revolutionary Idea of Finance
Автор: Aaron Brown
Год издания:
Praise for FISCHER BLACK AND THE REVOLUTIONARY IDEA OF FINANCE «The story of Fischer Black. . . . is remarkable both because of the creativity of the man and because of the revolution he brought to Wall Street. . . . Mehrling's book is fascinating.» —FINANCIAL TIMES «A fascinating history of things we take for granted in our everyday financial lives.» —THE NEW YORK TIMES «Mehrling's book is essential reading for anyone interested in the development of modern finance or the life of an idiosyncratic creative genius.» —PUBLISHERS WEEKLY «Fischer Black was more than a vital force in the development of finance theory. He was also a character. Perry Mehrling has captured both sides of the picture: the evolution of thinking about the pricing of risk and time, as well as the thinkers, especially this fascinating eccentric, who worked it out.» —ROBERT M. SOLOW, Nobel laureate and Institute Professor of Economics, Emeritus, Massachusetts Institute of Technology «Although I worked closely with Fischer for nine years at Goldman Sachs and clearly recognized both his genius and the breadth and originality of his ideas, until I read this book, I had only the vaguest grasp of the source of his inspiration and no understanding at all of the source of his many idiosyncrasies.» —BOB LITTERMAN, Partner, Kepos Capital «Perry Mehrling has done a remarkable job of tracing the intellectual and personal development of one of the most original and complex thinkers of our generation. Fischer Black deserved it: a charming and brilliant book about a charming and brilliant man.» —ROBERT E. LUCAS JR., Nobel laureate and Professor of Economics, The University of Chicago
Modeling and Simulation of Catalytic Reactors for Petroleum Refining
Автор: Jorge Ancheyta
Год издания:
Modeling and Simulation of Catalytic Reactors for Petroleum Refining deals with fundamental descriptions of the main conversion processes employed in the petroleum refining industry: catalytic hydrotreating, catalytic reforming, and fluid catalytic cracking. Common approaches for modeling of catalytic reactors for steady-state and dynamic simulations are also described and analyzed. Aspects such as thermodynamics, reaction kinetics, process variables, process scheme, and reactor design are discussed in detail from both research and commercial points of view. Results of simulation with the developed models are compared with those determined at pilot plant scale as well as commercial practice. Kinetics data used in the reactor model are either taken from the literature or obtained under controlled experiments at the laboratory.
Refining the Focus on Faculty Diversity in Postsecondary Institutions. New Directions for Institutional Research, Number 155
Автор: Yonghong Xu Jade
Год издания:
Faculty diversity is gaining unprecedented emphasis in the mission of colleges and universities, and institutional researchers are being pushed for relevant data. This volume examines faculty diversity from a variety of perspectives. Together, they constitute a comprehensive outlook on the subject, highlighting factors including racial background, gender, citizenship, employment status, and academic discipline, and examining how growing diversity has affected the work experience and productivity of faculty and the learning outcomes of students. Special attention is given to international and nontenure-track faculty members, two groups that have experienced rapid growth in recent years. The authors: Present empirical evidence to support the increasing importance of faculty diversity in institutional research Show the need for actively tracking the changes in diversity over time Highlight the critical role of research methodology in all such work. This is the 155th volume of this Jossey-Bass quarterly report series. Always timely and comprehensive, New Directions for Institutional Research provides planners and administrators in all types of academic institutions with guidelines in such areas as resource coordination, information analysis, program evaluation, and institutional management.
Greener Fischer-Tropsch Processes for Fuels and Feedstocks
Автор: Klerk Arno de
Год издания:
How can we use our carbon-based resources in the most responsible manner? How can we most efficiently transform natural gas, coal, or biomass into diesel, jet fuel or gasoline to drive our machines? The Big Questions today are energyrelated, and the Fischer-Tropsch process provides industrially tested solutions. This book offers a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the Fischer-Tropsch process, from the basic science and engineering to commercial issues. It covers industrial, economic, environmental, and fundamental aspects, with a specific focus on 'green' concepts such as sustainability, process improvement, waste-reduction, and environmental care. The result is a practical reference for researchers, engineers, and financial analysts working in the energy sector, who are interested in carbon conversion, fuel processing or synthetic fuel technologies. It is also an ideal introductory book on the Fischer-Tropsch process for graduate courses in chemistry and chemical engineering.
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