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Over the years, many papers on carbonate diagenesis have been published in Sedimentology, the journal of the International Association of Sedimentologists. This volume presents a collection of these papers with a commentary. The emphasis of the book is on the diagenesis of shallow-marine carbonate sediments and the editors have chosen 12 papers which are reproduced in full. To widen the scope of this volume the abstracts for another 16 papers are presented. These provide further examples of diagenetic studies and help to extend the coverage of the book. The reprints and abstracts are divided into three groups, dealing with marine, meteoric and burial diagenesis respectively. Each collection is preceded by a commentary which briefly summarizes the topic and introduces the reprints and abstracts to come

Quaternary Carbonate and Evaporite Sedimentary Facies and Their Ancient Analogues. A Tribute to Douglas James Shearman (Special Publication 43 of the IAS) Quaternary Carbonate and Evaporite Sedimentary Facies and Their Ancient Analogues. A Tribute to Douglas James Shearman (Special Publication 43 of the IAS)

Автор: Alsharhan Abdulrahman S.

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This book is part of the International Association of Sedimentologists (IAS) Special Publications. The Special Publications from the IAS are a set of thematic volumes edited by specialists on subjects of central interest to sedimentologists. Papers are reviewed and printed to the same high standards as those published in the journal Sedimentology and several of these volumes have become standard works of reference. This volume commemorates the eclectic research of Douglas James Shearman into evaporites, which was initiated by his studies of the prograding UAE coastal sabkhas or salt flats that incorporate evaporite minerals which displace and replace earlier carbonate sediments. His subsequent proselytization of the study of ancient evaporites in sedimentary sections all over the world led to fundamental advances in our understanding of arid zone carbonate sedimentology. The papers presented here are based on presentations made in Abu Dhabi, UAE 12-14th October 2004 and 7th –8th November 2006. They provide a retrospective from the 1960's and 70's of Holocene evaporites and carbonates, recapturing Shearman's contribution by revisiting the Holocene coastal evaporite and carbonate sediments of the Arabian/Persian Gulf from Abu Dhabi, Qatar, and Oman. The first set of papers considers these sediments from the perspective of their coastal geomorphology, sedimentary character and their geochemistry. Later papers examine the significance of these settings in the ancient geological section world-wide, including examples from the Mesozoic-Cenozoic of the Moroccan Atlantic margin and the Upper Jurassic Arab Formation of the Arabian Gulf.

Origin of Carbonate Sedimentary Rocks Origin of Carbonate Sedimentary Rocks

Автор: Jones Brian

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This textbook provides an overview of the origin and preservation of carbonate sedimentary rocks. The focus is on limestones and dolostones and the sediments from which they are derived. The approach is general and universal and draws heavily on fundamental discoveries, arresting interpretations, and keystone syntheses that have been developed over the last five decades. The book is designed as a teaching tool for upper level undergraduate classes, a fundamental reference for graduate and research students, and a scholarly source of information for practicing professionals whose expertise lies outside this specialty. The approach is rigorous, with every chapter being designed as a separate lecture on a specific topic that is encased within a larger scheme. The text is profusely illustrated with all colour diagrams and images of rocks, subsurface cores, thin sections, modern sediments, and underwater seascapes. Additional resources for this book can be found at: www.wiley.com/go/james/carbonaterocks

Carbonate Reservoir Rocks Carbonate Reservoir Rocks

Автор: Ksenia I. Bagrintseva

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Most of the world’s energy still comes from fossil fuels, and there are still many strides being made in the efficiency and cost effectiveness of extracting these important and increasingly more elusive natural resources. This is only possible if the nature of the emergence, evolution, and parameter estimation of high grade reservoir rocks at great depths is known and a theory of their forecast is developed. Over 60 percent of world oil production is currently associated with carbonate reservoir rocks. The exploration, appraisal and development of these fields are significantly complicated by a number of factors. These factors include the structural complexity of the carbonate complexes, variability of the reservoir rock types and properties within a particular deposit, many unknowns in the evaluation of fracturing and its spatial variability, and the preservation of the reservoir rock qualities with depth. The main objective of most studies is discovering patterns in the reservoir rock property changes of carbonate deposits of different genesis, composition and age. A short list of the unsolved issues includes: the role of facies environment in the carbonate formation; the major geologic factors affecting the formation of high-capacity reservoir rocks and preservation of their properties; recommendations as to the use of the new techniques in studies of the structural parameters; and establishing a correlation between the major evaluation parameters. The focus of this volume is to show the scientific and engineering community a revolutionary process. The author perfected an earlier developed methodology in studies of the void space structure (Bagrintseva’s method, 1982). This methodology is based on carbonate rock saturation with luminophore and on special techniques in processing of photographs made under UV light. The luminophore technique was combined with the raster electron microscopy and its variation, the studies under the cathode luminescence regime. This combination enabled a more detailed study of the reservoir void space, the nonuniformity in the open fracture evolution, their morphology, length and variability of openness. Over recent years these techniques have found wide application. Useful for the veteran engineer or scientist and the student alike, this book is a must-have for any geologist, engineer, or student working in the field of upstream petroleum engineering.

Carbonated Soft Drinks Carbonated Soft Drinks

Автор: David Steen

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The market for carbonated beverages has grown dramatically over recent years in most countries, and this growth has required changes in the way factories are run. Like other food products, soft drinks are required to be produced under stringent hygiene conditions. Filling technology has progressed rapidly to meet the needs of manufacturers and consumers alike. Packaging choices have changed and there have been improvements in closure design. This book provides an overview of carbonated soft drinks production in the early part of the twenty first century, presenting the latest information on carbonation and filling methods. There are also chapters on bottle design, can making, general packaging considerations, production and distribution. A final chapter deals with quality assurance, and environmental and legislative issues. Detailed references provide opportunity for further reading in more specialised areas. The book is aimed at graduates in food science, chemistry, microbiology and engineering who are considering a career in the soft drinks industry, as well as technical staff already employed within the industry and associated suppliers.

Geology of Carbonate Reservoirs Geology of Carbonate Reservoirs

Автор: Группа авторов

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An accessible resource, covering the fundamentals of carbonate reservoir engineering Includes discussions on how, where and why carbonate are formed, plus reviews of basic sedimentological and stratigraphic principles to explain carbonate platform characteristics and stratigraphic relationships Offers a new, genetic classification of carbonate porosity that is especially useful in predicting spatial distribution of pore networks. Includes a solution manual