As life expectancy increases and population ages, the already enormous impact of neurodegeneration on society will become even larger without better prevention and treatment. Developing strategies to prevent degeneration of neurons and to promote a healthy nervous system is, thus, critical. The development of pharmacological agents that would increase production of new neurons was recently facilitated by the identification of the hormonal regulators of various steps of adult neurogenesis. The proposed book is writen by a group of top world experts involved in the study of the mechanisms of hormonal control of brain damage and repair. The effects of thyroid and steroid hormones (estrogens, androgens, progestins, gluco-mineralo-corticoids, various neurosteroids) or polypeptide hormones (CRF, urocortins, somatostastin, GH/IGF, leptin, prolactin, PACAP, erythropoetin) on neuronal survival and neurogenesis in various neurodegenerative conditions and in brain aging will be discussed in detail. The proposed book is unique because it gives a comprehensive account of the neuroprotective and neurogenic effects of steroid and polypeptide hormones. Furthermore, new pharmacological approaches for treatment of neurodegenerative conditions are presented, based on the neuroprotective and neurogenic properties of natural and synthetic hormones. Получить ссылку |
Chemical Synthesis of Hormones, Pheromones and Other Bioregulators
Автор: Kenji Mori
Год издания:
Many small molecules occur naturally as «messenger» chemicals which regulate the behaviour and functions of microbes, plants, insects and animals. Examples include hormones, pheromones, phytoalexins, and antifeedants. These biofunctional molecules are of great interest to researchers in helping develop our understanding of biological function and in the development of new drugs. However extracting them from nature can be prohibitively expensive, so there is great interest in devising methods of synthesising them from simple starting materials in the laboratory. Chemical Synthesis of Hormones, Pheromones and Other Bioregulators is an introduction to the techniques and strategies for the synthesis of biofunctional small molecules. Topics include: what are biofunctional molecules? why must biofunctional molecules be synthesized? how can we synthesize biofunctional molecules? the synthesis of phytohormones, phytoalexins and other biofunctional molecules of plant origin the synthesis of insect juvenile hormones and antifeedants the synthesis of pheromones and the significance of chirality in pheromone science the synthesis of microbial hormones and pheromones, antibiotics, and other biofunctional molecules of microbial origin the synthesis of marine antifeedants and medicinal candidates a synthetic examination of incorrectly proposed structures of biomolecules reflections on science as a human endeavor Drawing on a career of almost 50 years researching and teaching this subject, Kenji Mori's Chemical Synthesis of Hormones, Pheromones and Other Bioregulators is a must-have textbook for students and researchers of organic synthesis and natural products, and a stimulating and inspiring account of a distinguished chemical career.
Neurodegeneration. The Molecular Pathology of Dementia and Movement Disorders
Автор: Weller Roy O.
Год издания:
Most textbooks on neurodegenerative disorders have used a classification scheme based upon either clinical syndromes or anatomical distribution of the pathology. In contrast, this book looks to the future and uses a classification based upon molecular mechanisms, rather than clinical or anatomical boundaries. Major advances in molecular genetics and the application of biochemical and immunocytochemical techniques to neurodegenerative disorders have generated this new approach. Throughout most of the current volume, diseases are clustered according to the proteins that accumulate within cells (e.g. tau, ?-synuclein and TDP-43) and in the extracellular compartments (e.g. ?-amyloid and prion proteins) or according to a shared pathogenetic mechanism, such as trinucleotide repeats, that are a feature of specific genetic disorders. Chapters throughout the book conform to a standard lay-out for ease of access by the reader and are written by a panel of International Experts Since the first edition of this book, major advances have been made in the discovery of common molecular mechanisms between many neurodegenerative diseases most notably in the frontotemporal lobar degenerations (FTLD) and motor neuron disease or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. This book will be essential reading for clinicians, neuropathologists and basic neuroscientists who require the firm up-to-date knowledge of mechanisms, diagnostic pathology and genetics of Neurodegenerative diseases that is required for progress in therapy and management.
Metal-Based Neurodegeneration. From Molecular Mechanisms to Therapeutic Strategies
Автор: Crichton Robert
Год издания:
Neurodegenerative diseases of the human brain appear in various forms, resulting in disorders of movement and coordination, cognitive deterioration and psychiatric disturbances. Many of the key factors leading to neurodegenerative diseases are similar, including the dysfunction of metal ion homeostasis, redox-active metal ions generating oxidative stress, and intracellular inclusion bodies. Metal-based Neurodegeneration presents a detailed survey of the molecular origins of neurodegenerative diseases. Each chapter is dedicated to a specific disease, presenting the latest scientific findings, including details of their biochemical actors (proteins or peptides), their normal and pathological conformations, and a description of the diseases characteristics, with an emphasis on the role of metal-induced oxidative stress, which can result in the production of intracellular aggregates of target proteins and peptides. Topics covered include: Brain function, physiology and the blood-brain barrier Immune system and neuroinflammation Aging and mild cognitive impairment, MCI Parkinson’s Disease Alzheimer’s Disease Creutzfelt-Jakob and related prion diseases Alcoholic Brain Damage Therapeutic strategies to combat the onset and progression of neurological diseases This extensively updated, full colour, second edition of Metal-based Neurodegeneration is an essential text for research scientists and clinicians working in gerontology, neuropathology, neurochemistry, and metalloprotein mechanisms.
Menopause Without Weight Gain: The 5 Step Solution to Challenge Your Changing Hormones
Автор: Debra Waterhouse
Год издания:
Women over the age of 40, as they move towards menopause, usually experience an increasing waistline and multiplying fat cells…no matter how much they exercise.Hormonal changes start to affect your weight when your 30 billion fat cells detect a slightly lower oestrogen reading and come to your aid to produce oestrogen for you. And the fat cells in your waist grow the largest because they are better equipped to produce oestrogen than those in your bottom, hips and thighs.Debra Waterhouse provides her usual sound strategies to cope but also explains the positive side: that the more oestrogen you produce the fewer mood swings and hot flushes, less intense PMS, improved sleep, and a reduced risk of osteoporosis you will experience. And she warns: the harder you try to lose weight by dieting the more powerful your menopausal fat cells become .Positive actions Waterhouse proposes include:• Encouraging a positive attitude for your change of life, embracing your body changes• Following her tailored exercise programme which includes building bone density and gaining muscle• How much to eat, when and how often. What to eat, including plant oestrogens. And how to start trusting your body’s messages and cravings.
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