These volumes teach readers to think beyond apoptosis and describes all of the known processes that cells can undergo which result in cell death This two-volume source on how cells dies is the first, comprehensive collection to cover all of the known processes that cells undergo when they die. It is also the only one of its kind to compare these processes. It seeks to enlighten those in the field about these many processes and to stimulate their thinking at looking at these pathways when their research system does not show signs of activation of the classic apoptotic pathway. In addition, it links activities like the molecular biology of one process (eg. Necrosis) to another process (eg. apoptosis) and contrasts those that are close to each. Volume 1 of Apoptosis and Beyond: The Many Ways Cells Die begins with a general view of the cytoplasmic and nuclear features of apoptosis. It then goes on to offer chapters on targeting the cell death mechanism; microbial programmed cell death; autophagy; cell injury, adaptation, and necrosis; necroptosis; ferroptosis; anoikis; pyronecrosis; and more. Volume 2 covers such subjects as phenoptosis; pyroptosis; hematopoiesis and eryptosis; cyclophilin d-dependent necrosis; and the role of phospholipase in cell death. Covers all known processes that dying cells undergo Provides extensive coverage of a topic not fully covered before Offers chapters written by top researchers in the field Provides activities that link and contrast processes to each other Apoptosis and Beyond: The Many Ways Cells Die will appeal to students and researchers/clinicians in cell biology, molecular biology, oncology, and tumor biology. Получить ссылку |
The Country Beyond. A Romance of the Wilderness. В дебрях Севера. Романтическая история сурового края
Автор: Джеймс Оливер Кервуд
Год издания:
Главный герой – мужественный и честный человек, Роджер Маккей, – встав на защиту индейцев, был вынужден нарушить закон. Скрываясь от полиции Канады, он поселяется в глухом уголке страны, где встречает свою любовь. Однако преследования стражей порядка заставляют влюблённых расстаться. Маккей и его верный пёс Питер отправляются в долгое, полное опасностей путешествие на Север, навстречу своей судьбе… Текст сокращён и адаптирован. Уровень Intermediate.
Buffett and Beyond. Uncovering the Secret Ratio for Superior Stock Selection
Автор: Joseph Belmonte
Год издания:
Construct a portfolio that is sure to outperform market averages Warren Buffett had it right all along. Now it's your turn to learn how to construct a portfolio that is sure to outperform the market averages, as well as almost every professional money manager in the world. Warren Buffett's method of predictability can determine a future target price, which in turn determines his all-important purchase price. However, Buffett doesn't draw conclusions of his predictability method relative to the future total returns of portfolios. That's where Buffett and Beyond comes in, taking Buffett's method one giant step beyond, proving that if you select a portfolio of stocks using the predictability method in this book, you will outperform 96% of professional money managers over the long term. In addition to the information in the book, readers will have access to a password-protected website that includes tutorial videos, PowerPoint slides, free trial access to a video newsletter, and a trial subscription to the author's computer program, which follows the research presented in the book. Explains Clean Surplus Accounting (CSA) to determine Return on Owners' Equity (ROE) Uses CSA to determine ROE in a unique way to verify Buffett's all-important purchase price Draws conclusions between Clean Surplus Return on Equity and future total returns Shows that every portfolio selected from the S&P 500 index with above-average Clean Surplus ROEs outperformed the S&P average during the test periods from 1987 to the present If you're an investor, this book will impact your financial life forever.
Baby Boomers and Beyond. Tapping the Ministry Talents and Passions of Adults over 50
Автор: Amy Hanson
Год издания:
How ministry leaders can help older adults be a vital part of Christian community With the explosion of the older adult population, this important book explores the opportunities and challenges that this presents for the Christian community. Amy Hanson challenges us to let go of many old stereotypes regarding aging and embrace a new paradigm that sees older adults as active, healthy and capable of making significant contributions. Debunks the myths of aging that keep us from fully embracing the potential of people in life's second half Offers suggestions on how to re-invent ministry with older adults Focuses on unleashing older adults to serve and make an impact on churches and congregations A volume in the Leadership Network series The author shows church leaders how they can unleash the power of the baby boomer population to strengthen their congregations.
Stem Cells For Dummies
Автор: Meg Schneider
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The first authoritative yet accessible guide to this controversial topic Stem Cell Research For Dummies offers a balanced, plain-English look at this politically charged topic, cutting away the hype and presenting the facts clearly for you, free from debate. It explains what stem cells are and what they do, the legalities of harvesting them and using them in research, the latest research findings from the U.S. and abroad, and the prospects for medical stem cell therapies in the short and long term. Explains the differences between adult stem cells and embryonic/umbilical cord stem cells Provides both sides of the political debate and the pros and cons of each side's opinions Includes medical success stories using stem cell therapy and its promise for the future Comprehensive and unbiased, Stem Cell Research For Dummies is the only guide you need to understand this volatile issue.
BRICs and Beyond. Lessons on Emerging Markets
Автор: Stephanie Jones
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BRICs and Beyond is an international business executive text written especially for executive and MBA students. It is based on extensive consulting in emerging economies and several years of experience teaching executive MBA courses around the globe. The author has continually faced the problem that the available textbooks for teaching international business focused almost exclusively on examples of Western multinationals for case illustrations. In the process of preparing cases nearer to the emerging market she worked in, the author realized that the often fascinating, frequently insightful and always different approach to business illustrated by these cases should be required reading for MBA students in typical Western environments too. With its wide range of current case illustrations and concise summaries this is a new-generation text that will welcome today's MBA student to the wider world of 21st century international business. «. . . this book is needed not only because it looks at business from the BRICs points of view; it also looks at business from the point of view of tomorrow's business leaders and the challenges that they will have to cope with.» –Professor Jonathan Gosling, Centre for Leadership Studies, and co-founder, The One-Planet MBA, the University of Exeter, UK «. . . Stephanie Jones advises Western businesses on doing business in emerging economies in a refreshingly straightforward manner, integrating in a novel way her three decades of global, practical experience with the daily barrage of reporting on the BRICs–distilling from these many lessons and principles. . .» –Extracted from the Foreword, by Professor Wim Naude, Director of Research, Maastricht School of Management
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