Скачать книгу - Tamed by her Brooding Boss

Has this dreamy doc finally met his match? Working alongside renowned consultant – and ex-flame – James Benson, ER doctor Sarah Franklyn is determined to maintain her new-found independence. So her continued susceptibility to the charms of her brooding boss is very frustrating!But Sarah’s no longer the heartbroken innocent of old – if James wants to win her back, he’s going to have his work cut out for him…!

Metameditsiin Metameditsiin

Автор: Trine Helgrund

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Motted ja tunded ning see, mil moel lahendame oma igapaevaseid probleeme maarab selle, kas uldse ja millised haigused meil valja kujunevad. On olemas kindel seos nende dramaatiliste sundmuste vahel, mis tekivad inimese elus jarsku, ning tekkinud haiguste vahel. Need teadmised on inimestel alati olemas olnud, kuid nuud on need ka teaduslikult toestatud. Esimesena kirjeldas neid seoseid Saksa arst dr. Hamer ja need uuringud on aluseks sellele, mida nimetatakse metameditsiiniks. Metameditsiin ei ole ravimeetod, vaid aitab inimesel moista, missugused emotsionaalsed okid on seotud konkreetse haigusega. Seda moistes on voimalik vabaneda hirmust, mis haarab raske diagnoosi saamisel. Oma emotsioone labi tootades on inimesel voimalik oma paranemisele kaasa aidata. Raamatu autorid tunnevad pohjalikult metameditsiinilist lahenemist haigustele ja kirjeldavad teaduslikel uurimustel pohinevat lihtsalt ja moistetavalt. Raamatus on pohjalik tabel, mis kirjeldab konkreetset emotsionaalset okki ja tekkida voivat haigust. Lisaks sellele kirjeldavad 8 inimest, kes on saanud tosise diagnoosi, oma haiguse ja paranemise lugu.

In the Brooding Wild In the Brooding Wild

Автор: Cullum Ridgwell

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Untamed City: Carnival of Secrets Untamed City: Carnival of Secrets

Автор: Melissa Marr

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An extraordinary new world, from the New York Times bestselling author of the Wicked Lovely series.Warriors Kaleb and Aya will stop at nothing to destroy their competition. But when Kaleb finds his fate entwined with that of Mallory, a seventeen-year-old human girl, he can't seem to separate the vicious Carnival contest he's entered from his sudden devotion to her. He and Aya may be prize fighters from the otherworldly Untamed City, but his strange, obsessive connection makes staying away from the witch-ruled human world, and Mallory, harder every day.All Mallory knows of the Untamed City is what her elders have told her – that it's full of debauchery and daimons looking to destroy her. But she knows she's being pulled toward Kaleb with an emotion so fierce that it's utterly foreign. The two are forced apart by Mallory's overprotective witch father, stranded by necessity between warring populations that can't coexist. But when The City's ruler raises the stakes of the Carnival's prize, there's nothing Mallory, Kaleb, or Aya can do to stop the two worlds colliding. Mallory's about to discover her true identity – and stumble into a fate she'd die to avoid.Fans of The Hunger Games will devour this tale of lush secrets, dark love, and the struggle to forge one's own destiny from the bestselling author of Wicked Lovely, Melissa Marr.

Untamed Untamed

Автор: Diana Palmer

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Stanton Rourke lives life on the edge. The steely mercenary is dangerous in every way…especially to Clarisse Carrington's heart. She and Rourke were playmates as children, but she's not the innocent girl he once knew. When tragedy robbed Clarisse of her entire family, her life was changed forever. Besides, she's a grown woman now, and there are secrets that hold her back from succumbing to her pursuer. As she struggles to keep her distance, sparks as hot as a Texas summer fly between them. But danger is following Clarisse, leaving her no choice but to rely on Rourke, even as the old wounds lying dormant between them flare up again…

Mediterranean Tycoons: Untamed & Unleashed Mediterranean Tycoons: Untamed & Unleashed

Автор: Jacqueline Baird

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DARK. BROODING. VENGEFUL.Talented artist Lucy Steadman refuses to be intimidated by devastatingly handsome Italian Lorenzo Zanelli. He may hold the fate of her family’s business in his iron fist, but she will not submit to his more personal demands.To give in to such a man would be to lose her head – and her heart!No woman has ever shunned wicked Italian tycoon Zac Delucca! But sweet, studious Sally is in a world of her own, looking after her sick mother. Little does she realise her father has embezzled from Zac. Zac offers Sally an ultimatum – become his lover on demand or risk ruin!Italian magnate Max Quintano is blackmailing Sophie into becoming his mistress. Sophie agrees to live in Max’s luxurious Venetian palazzo – until she discovers exactly why he hates her so much…