WHEN OPPOSITES ATTRACT…! In the eyes of the ton Hattie Wilkinson is a respectable widow, content with her safe, if somewhat modest life. On the other hand Sir Christopher Foxton prides himself on being regarded as one of London’s most notorious rakes, with a particularly mischievous streak!Upon their first meeting Kit threatens to shatter Hattie’s well-ordered peace – and her reputation! – if only she’ll allow herself to succumb to his playful advances. This time they’ve both finally met their match… Получить ссылку |
Mark the Match Boy
Автор: Alger Horatio Jr.
Год издания:
Hattie Hoffmani viimane vaatus
Автор: Mindy Mejia
Год издания:
Lammatava pingega kummituslik lugu, mis poeb su naha alla. – The Suspense is Thrilling Me Keegi ei tea, kes ta tegelikult on… Hattie Hoffman on kogu oma elu rolle manginud: eeskujulik opilane, eeskujulik tutar, eeskujulik kodanik. Aga Hattie tahab midagi enamat, midagi suuremat ja, nagu lopuks selgub, midagi vaga ohtlikku. Kui Hattie julmalt surnuks pussitatakse, rebib tragoodia tema vaikese kokkuhoidva kodulinna ribadeks. Peagi saab selgeks, et Hattiel oli vagagi kompromiteeriv salasuhe. Tekib kusimus, kes veel sellest teadis? Ja kui kaugele oleksid nad valmis minema, et suhtele lopp teha? Hattie poiss naib tema surma tottu lausa hullunud, aga voib-olla oli ta Hattiesse nii sugavalt armunud, et tudruk oli muutunud tema jaoks kinnisideeks? Voi sattus Hattie oma impulsiivse ja uljaspaise iseloomu tottu lihtsalt valel ajal valesse kohta, mis viis lopuks tema vagivaldse surmani kellegi voora kae labi? Kaanakuid ja ootamatuid poordeid tais „Hattie Hoffmani viimane vaatus” taastab lugeja silme ees viimase aasta ohtlikult kutkestava noore naise elus, mille jooksul kerkivad pinnale vaikelinna hamaraimad saladused… ning neiu ise liigub surmale uha lahemale. Mindy Mejial on Minnesota ulikooli bakalaureusekraad ja Hamline’i ulikooli kaunite kunstide magistrikraad. Kui pogusad vahepeatused Iowa Citys ja Galways valja arvata, on ta elanud kogu oma elu Minneapolises, kus on pidanud palju ameteid alates ounakorjajast ja lopetades muugijuhiga. Voimas ja nugaterav „Hattie Hoffmani viimane vaatus” paneb lugeja motlema piiridele suutuse ja suu, toelise olemuse ja pettuse vahel. Kas armastus viib eneseavastuse voi enesehavituseni? Suureparane ullatusi tais romaan, lugejad avastavad roomuga, et see raamat on uks vahestest, mis uhe paevaga labi loetakse. – Suspense Magazine Fantastiline… – Pioneer Press Need lugejad, kes votavad selle haarava psuhholoogilise poneviku katte seetottu, et raamatul on uhiseid jooni Gillian Flynni romaaniga „Kadunud”, avastavad peagi roomuga, et Mejia enesekindel kirjutamislaad annab tuntud teemadele hoopis uue sugavuse, kasitledes manipulatsiooni ja identiteeti veelgi teravama nurga alt. –Booklist Starred Review
Where time meets truth
Автор: Argo Jarve
Год издания:
This is a story about a young man misleading travels and challenges in life, about different people and places he visited. About home a school. Love and hate. Money and happiness. Vodka and vices. From life itself. Many readers might recognize themselves in some occasions, maybe even they have experienced something like that or lived it through. Deja-vu. We're all still humans, and humans often get lost during their travels. There are still fictional characters and events – which are real, which are fictional, is for the reader to decide. The main character Hans, with a restless soul, has traveled to every place is Estonia in search of work & happiness and has often found himself abroad, met & spoken to many different types of people. With nobleman and thieves. Slept under the night sky and also in luxurious hotels. Tasted the waters from a road ditch and tasted wines in the finest restaurants. Felt the power of money and helplessness, when there's no money. Met lies and ultimate honesty on his road. Has he learn`t anything from all of that? That will come out later. One's for sure – there are same types of people over here and across the border. There are no bad and good nationalities; there are only bad and good people.
Matchmoving. The Invisible Art of Camera Tracking
Автор: Tim Dobbert
Год издания:
Get your foot in the studio door by learning the art of matchmoving Matchmoving is a technique that allows computer graphics to be inserted into live-action footage with correct position, scale, orientation, and motion. Also known as motion tracking, it's what allows movie monsters to run down Main Street and robots to run through crowds–and look real. Now this unique book from a top expert from Industrial Light and Magic teaches you the art of matchmoving. With step-by-step tutorials and pages of examples, this book first explains the basics and then shows you professional techniques, from 3D calibration and tracking, to stereoscopy, and more. Explains concepts and teaches professional techniques for successful matchmoving Authored by a top matchmove specialist from Industrial Light and Magic, who walks you through step-by-step tutorials and impressive examples Covers matchmoving basics, 2D tracking, 3D calibration and tracking, automatic tracking, cameras, integrating matchmoves, and stereoscopy Learn how studio visual effects professionals make all the right matchmoves with Matchmoving: The Invisible Art of Camera Tracking 2nd Edition.
X. The Experience When Business Meets Design
Автор: Brian Solis
Год издания:
Welcome to a new era of business in which your brand is defined by those who experience it. Do you know how your customers experience your brand today? Do you know how they really feel? Do you know what they say when you re not around? In an always-on world where everyone is connected to information and also one another, customer experience is your brand. And, without defining experiences, brands become victim to whatever people feel and share. In his new book X: The Experience When Business Meets Design bestselling author Brian Solis shares why great products are no longer good enough to win with customers and why creative marketing and delightful customer service too are not enough to succeed. In X, he shares why the future of business is experiential and how to create and cultivate meaningful experiences. This isn’t your ordinary business book. The idea of a book was re-imagined for a digital meets analog world to be a relevant and sensational experience. Its aesthetic was meant to evoke emotion while also giving new perspective and insights to help you win the hearts and minds of your customers. And, the design of this book, along with what fills its pages, was done using the principles shared within. Brian shares more than the importance of experience. You’ll learn how to design a desired, meaningful and uniform experience in every moment of truth in a fun way including: How our own experience gets in the way of designing for people not like us Why empathy and new perspective unlock creativity and innovation The importance of User Experience (UX) in real life and in executive thinking The humanity of Human-Centered Design in all you do The art of Hollywood storytelling from marketing to product design to packaging Apple’s holistic approach to experience architecture The value of different journey and experience mapping approaches The future of business lies in experience architecture and you are the architect. Business, meet design. X
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