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He knows what he wants Rhiannon was happily engaged to Bobby, who only offered her friendship and security.She thought she didn't want or need anything else – until she met Gabriel Stone. He had the name of an angel, but the reputation of a sinner – and he was determined to unleash the suppressed passion he sensed in Rhiannon.She told herself that all she felt for this dominant male was sexual attraction – but then, to her horror, she realized she'd fallen in love… .

Slimming’s dominant: what does it mean and how to transform desire into working mechanism Slimming’s dominant: what does it mean and how to transform desire into working mechanism

Автор: Tamara Damashcan

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Authorial methodology: “Slimming’s dominant” – your way in the world of slimness. This methodology is interesting to learn and easy to apply. Wish to be thin can be for sure transformed into powerful mechanism. How to make it work? – read in my book, which has no analogues in the whole world at the moment.

Specie Dominante Specie Dominante

Автор: A. J. Mitar

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In un futuro senza l’Uomo… qualcun altro si contendera il dominio della Terra… In un futuro senza l’Uomo… qualcun altro si contendera il dominio della Terra. Una guerra combattuta con ogni mezzo, con gli artigli e le armi piu sofisticate. Il mistero della genesi di nuova una specie riaccendera l’interesse sull’antico popolo dei Terrestri. Quali saranno le inquietanti scoperte? La risoluzione del mistero decidera le sorti del conflitto?

The Dominant Strain The Dominant Strain

Автор: Anna Chapin Ray

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Befehle der Lust - Die hemmungslosen Fantasien & Praktiken dominanter Frauen Befehle der Lust - Die hemmungslosen Fantasien & Praktiken dominanter Frauen

Автор: Pauline

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Die dominante Friseurin Die dominante Friseurin

Автор: Claas van Thijs

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