De acordo com a Organizacao Mundial da Saude, «O counselling e um processo que, atraves do dialogo e a interacao, ajuda as pessoas a resolver e gerenciar problemas e tomar decisoes. De acordo com a Organizacao Mundial da Saude, «O counselling e um processo que, atraves do dialogo e a interacao, ajuda as pessoas a resolver e gerenciar problemas e tomar decisoes; isso envolve um “cliente” e um “counselor”. A primeira e uma pessoa que sente a necessidade de ser ajudada, a segunda e uma pessoa especialista, imparcial, nao ligada ao cliente, treinada para ouvir, dar suporte e orientacao». Em linhas gerais, deste modo, podemos dizer que o counselling e um processo que poe juntos em uma relacao um profissional (o counsellor) e uma outra pessoa (o cliente) que sente a exigencia de ser suportada na gestao de um problema ou de uma decisao. E uma relacao de ajuda que deseja facilitar as pessoas tomarem decisoes para melhorar a sua situacao. Trata-se, assim, de analisar juntos com as pessoas o seu estilo de vida atual, as mudancas possiveis, as dificuldades de aplicar estas mudancas e o modo mais eficaz para enfrenta-las. Получить ссылку |
Agenda unui v?nz?tor de succes, sau motivarea v?nz?rilor. Instruc?ie practic?
Автор: Veaceslav Bogdanov
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In cartea sa “Agenda unui vanzator de succes, sau motivarea vanzarilor” Veaceslav Bogdanov ne dezvaluie ac?iunile de succes ale celor mai rezultativi ?i puternici vanzatori. Trasatura principala car?ii acestea consta in aceea ca orice vanzator i?i va putea gasi un suport ?i o ie?ire din problemele de via?a principale, cu care se ciocnesc vanzatorii din diferite companii. Cartea “Agenda unui vanzator de succes, sau motivarea vanzarilor” este necesara pentru fiecare vanzator.
Pessoas nus. Mundo paralelo
Автор: Виталий Мушкин
Год издания:
Valentine, aprendendo o desconhecido, cai em um mundo paralelo. La tudo e o mesmo que na vida real. Somente as pessoas vao nu, fazem sexo em qualquer lugar e nao sentem nenhum inconveniente. Valya e atraida para um ritmo de vida semelhante e esta satisfeito com tudo. O tempo passa e o mundo paralelo se torna o unico real. A memoria do heroi do passado esta sendo gradualmente apagada…
Assessment in Counseling. A Guide to the Use of Psychological Assessment Procedures
Автор: Danica Hays G.
Год издания:
Now more user-friendly than ever, while continuing the legacy of excellence that Albert Hood and Richard Johnson began, the latest version of this best-selling text updates students and clinicians on the basic principles of psychological assessment, recent changes in assessment procedures, and the most widely used tests relevant to counseling practice today. Hays walks the reader through every stage of the assessment process and provides practical tools such as bolded key terminology; chapter pretests, summaries, and review questions; self-development and reflection activities; client case examples; practitioner perspectives illustrating assessment in action; and handy tip sheets. More than 100 assessment instruments examining intelligence, academic aptitude and achievement, career and life planning, personal interests and values, personality, and interpersonal relationships are described. Also discussed are specialized mental health assessments for substance abuse, depression, anxiety, anger, self-injury, eating disorders, suicide risk, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. *Requests for digital versions from the ACA can be found on wiley.com. *To request print copies, please visit the ACA website.
Spirituality in Counseling and Psychotherapy. An Integrative Approach that Empowers Clients
Автор: Rick Johnson
Год издания:
Written with great clarity and intelligence, this book will be of benefit to all mental health practitioners, students of psychology, and those seeking a better understanding of their own process of psychological and spiritual transformation. —Tara Brach, PhD, Author of Radical Acceptance and True Refuge «In this wonderful book, Rick Johnson weaves together different theoretical perspectives in a way that welcomes religion, spirituality, and nature into the counseling and psychotherapy process. It's a delight to read Dr. Johnson's approach—an approach that teaches therapists how to empathically explore spirituality as an important dimension of human existence.» —John Sommers-Flanagan, PhD, coauthor of Counseling and Psychotherapy Theories in Context and Practice and Clinical Interviewing «Rick Johnson's book Spirituality in Counseling and Psychotherapy is a rich introduction to the varied forms in which spiritual suffering enters the consulting room, the range of theories which address or fail to address this need, and specific attitudes and practices through which therapists can provide a non-doctrinal but open encounter with the spiritual needs of their clients.» —James Hollis, PhD, Jungian analyst, and author of fourteen books, among them What Matters Most: Living a More Considered Life A practical integration of psychology and spirituality that builds upon existing psychological theories While many clients want spiritual and philosophical issues to be addressed in therapy, many mental health professionals report that they feel ill-equipped to meet clients' needs in this area. Providing a model that is approachable from a variety of theoretical orientations, Spirituality in Counseling and Psychotherapy supports therapists in becoming open to the unique ways that clients define, experience, and access life-affirming, spiritual beliefs and practices. Drawing on the author's research into spiritual issues as well as predictors of clients' psychological health, this reflective book presents an integrative approach to discussing the topic of spirituality. An essential resource for mental health professionals of all spiritual and religious persuasions, Spirituality in Counseling and Psychotherapy discusses: Client-defined spirituality Integrating spirituality with psychological theories Why clients become spiritually lost Practical steps for spiritual health and abundance in therapy Helping clients reclaim their real self How spiritually oriented therapy helps Guidance for therapists in differentiating their spirituality from their clients' to foster a more successful therapeutic relationship Filled with numerous cases and stories illustrating how spirituality can be a natural and beneficial part of the therapeutic process, Spirituality in Counseling and Psychotherapy enables mental health professionals to nonjudgmentally invite a collaborative exploration of the role of spirituality in their clients' lives.
Understanding People in Context. The Ecological Perspective in Counseling
Автор: Ellen Cook P.
Год издания:
This exceptional book emphasizes uniquely designed interventions for individual counseling, group work, and community counseling that consider clients as individuals within the contexts of families, cultural groups, workplaces, and communities. Part I describes the theoretical research base and major tenets of the ecological perspective and its applications to counseling practice. In Part II, experts who have used the ecological perspective in their work discuss its usefulness in various applications, including counseling diverse clients with specific life challenges; assessment, diagnosis, and treatment planning; and in schools, substance abuse programs, faith-based communities, and counselor training programs. *Requests for digital versions from the ACA can be found on wiley.com. *To request print copies, please visit the ACA website.
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