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Kiedy znow bede maly Kiedy znow bede maly

Автор: Janusz Korczak

Год издания: 

Cudownie by bylo stac sie znowu dzieckiem… Bohaterowi tej ksiazeczki sie to udaje: odzyskuje rodzicow i radosc z biegania, chodzi do szkoly i odbiera swiat emocjonalnie jak w dziecinstwie.Janusz Korczak w tej niezwyklej opowiesci przypomina, jak mocno dzieci czuja, jak gleboko przezywaja swiat – i jak latwo ich uczucia zranic. Przedszkolaki i uczniowie zawieraja przyjaznie i sojusze, a nawet zakochuja sie, musza tez sami radzic sobie z wrogami, mocno wspolczuja bohaterom ksiazek i bezdomnemu psu, silnie odczuwaja kazda niesprawiedliwosc i zniewage. Dzieciecy swiat tylko z pozoru wydaje sie prosty i wesoly.

White Magic. The Age of Paper White Magic. The Age of Paper

Автор: Lothar Muller

Год издания: 

Paper is older than the printing press, and even in its unprinted state it was the great network medium behind the emergence of modern civilization. In the shape of bills, banknotes and accounting books it was indispensible to the economy. As forms and files it was essential to bureaucracy. As letters it became the setting for the invention of the modern soul, and as newsprint it became a stage for politics. In this brilliant new book Lothar Muller describes how paper made its way from China through the Arab world to Europe, where it permeated everyday life in a variety of formats from the thirteenth century onwards, and how the paper technology revolution of the nineteenth century paved the way for the creation of the modern daily press. His key witnesses are the works of Rabelais and Grimmelshausen, Balzac and Herman Melville, James Joyce and Paul Valery. Muller writes not only about books, however: he also writes about pamphlets, playing cards, papercutting and legal pads. We think we understand the ?Gutenberg era?, but we can understand it better when we explore the world that underpinned it: the paper age. Today, with the proliferation of digital devices, paper may seem to be a residue of the past, but Muller shows that the humble technology of paper is in many ways the most fundamental medium of the modern world.

Mobile Magic. The Saatchi and Saatchi Guide to Mobile Marketing and Design Mobile Magic. The Saatchi and Saatchi Guide to Mobile Marketing and Design

Автор: Tom Eslinger

Год издания: 

A real-world guide to mobile marketing from the head of digital initiatives at Saatchi & Saatchi worldwide The future of marketing is mobile, with seventy-five percent of the world's population having access to a mobile phone and the average American spending 82 minutes per day using her phone for activities other than talking. To traditional marketers unfamiliar with the special challenges of mobile marketing, this territory feels complicated and even frightening. Mobile Magic provides a bird's-eye view of the process of creating great mobile marketing from one of the world's most experienced and successful practitioners.

Колл-трекинг: как узнать, откуда вам звонят? Дмитрий Кудинов. Comagic.ru Колл-трекинг: как узнать, откуда вам звонят? Дмитрий Кудинов. Comagic.ru

Автор: Алексей Пучков

Год издания: 

Колл-трекинг помогает узнать, с какого рекламного канала, по какому поисковому запросу и какого качества звонки поступают в ваш колл-центр. Но как получить больше звонков, увеличить число реальных покупок и снизить стоимость привлечения клиентов? О том, как эффективно работать с сервисами колл-трекинга, мы поговорим с Дмитрием Кудиновым.

Google Speaks. Secrets of the World's Greatest Billionaire Entrepreneurs, Sergey Brin and Larry Page Google Speaks. Secrets of the World's Greatest Billionaire Entrepreneurs, Sergey Brin and Larry Page

Автор: Джанет Лоу

Год издания: 

Praise for Google Speaks «It's not hard to see that Google is a phenomenal company....At Geico, we pay these guys a whole lot of money for this and that key word.» –Warren Buffett «Google rocks. It raised my perceived IQ by about 20 points.» –Wes Boyd, President of Moveon.Org «Google is my rapid response research assistant. It's the Swiss Army knife of information retrieval.» –Lloyd Grove, columnist, Portfolio.com «Who's afraid of Google? Everyone.» –Wired magazine «Writers of the past had absinthe, whiskey or heroin. I have Google.» –Michael Chabon, author of The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay