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Yagnob Valley – Nature, history, and chances of a mountain community development in Tadjikistan / Долина р. Ягноб – природа, история и возможности развития горной общины в Таджикистане Yagnob Valley – Nature, history, and chances of a mountain community development in Tadjikistan / Долина р. Ягноб – природа, история и возможности развития горной общины в Таджикистане

Автор: A. Gunya

Год издания: 

Долина р. Ягноб в своей верхней части представляет собой пример изолированного периферийного района, типичного для высокогорных районов Азии и в особенности Таджикистана, где почти каждая высокогорная долина имеет свой неповторимый этнокультурный уклад и формы ресурсопользования с высокой степенью адаптации к природным условиям. Объективная природная изолированность Ягнобской долины способствовала сохранению в ее верховьях уникального народа – ягнобцев, язык которых близок к древнесогдийскому языку, относящемуся к восточно-иранской языковой группе. Жесткая зависимость характера природопользования от природных условий и процессов, а также удаленность и низкая доступность ограничили развитие и применение новых методов хозяйствования. В работе делается акцент на исследование пространства существования (экзистенциального пространства) ягнобцев, модель которого описывает характер использования земель, сопровождаемые при этом риски и возможные пути к их преодолению. В пределах нынешнего характера природопользования имеются четыре наиболее важных типа риска, угрожающих разрушению сложившихся природно-хозяйственных связей: агроклиматический риск, риск склоновых процессов, антропогенная деградация ландшафтов, социально-политический риск. The Yagnob Valley represents in its upper part an example of isolated peripheral area very typical for highlands of Asia and especially for Tadjikistan, where each mountain valley has its own unique ethnic and cultural style of life and land use structure highly adapted to natural conditions. The natural isolation of the Yagnob Valley was conductive to the preservation in its upper part of an unique ethnic group – the Yagnobis whose language is very similar to the Ancient Sogdian language attributed to the East-Iranian language group. A strict dependence of land use type on natural conditions and natural processes as well as the peripheral positions and low accessibility limited the development and application of new economic methods. The study is undertaken with respect to model of the existential space of Yagnobi community affecting land use, risks and possibilities for survival. Within the limits of the existing structure of the natural resources use there are four very important types of risks that threaten to destroy existing relationship between the natural environment and the local economy: agroclimatic risk, risk of slope processes, anthropogenic degradation, the social and political risk.

Bankruption. How Community Banking Can Survive Fintech Bankruption. How Community Banking Can Survive Fintech

Автор: John Waupsh

Год издания: 

Community banking can flourish in the face of fintech and global competition with a fresh approach to strategy Bankruption + Website offers a survival guide for community banks and credit unions searching for relevance amidst immense global competition and fintech startups. Author John Waupsh is the Chief Innovation Officer at Kasasa, where he helps spearhead financial product development and implementation across hundreds of institutions. In this guide, he draws on more than a decade in the industry to offer clear, practical advice for competing with the megabanks, direct banks, non-banks, and financial technology companies. The discussion separates futurist thinking from today's realities, and dispels common myths surrounding the U.S. community banking model in order to shed light on the real challenges facing community banking institutions. It follows with clear solutions, proven strategies, and insight from experts across banking and fintech. All arguments are backed by massive amounts of data, and the companion website provides presentation-ready visualizations to help you kickstart change within your team. In the U.S. and around the globe, fintech companies and non-banks alike are creating streams of banking services that are interesting, elegant, and refreshing—and they're winning the hearts and minds of early adopters. Not a one-size-fits-all approach, this book offers many different tactics for community banks and credit unions to compete and flourish in the new world. Analyze fintech's threat to the community banking model Learn where community banking must improve to compete Disprove the myths to uncover the real challenges banks face Adopt proven strategies to bring your organization into the future Community banks and credit unions were once the go-to institutions for local relationship banking, but their asset share has been on the decline for three decades as the big banks just got bigger. Now, fintech companies are exploiting inefficiencies in the traditional banking model to streamline service and draw even more market share, as community banking executives are left at a loss for fresh tactics and forward-looking strategy. Bankruption + Website shows how community banks can be saved, and provides a proven path to success.

Don't Buy Your Retirement Home Without Me!. Avoid the Traps and Get the Best Deal When Buying a Home in a Retirement Community Don't Buy Your Retirement Home Without Me!. Avoid the Traps and Get the Best Deal When Buying a Home in a Retirement Community

Автор: Richard Andrews

Год издания: 

Invaluable advice for making a sensible purchase on a retirement home Like most retirees, you've worked hard your whole life and now you're looking forward to starting a new chapter of your life in a retirement home community. However, purchasing a retirement home can be a daunting experience and the cost of making a bad decision can impact your entire family. That's where this helpful book comes in. Retirement-savvy author Richard Andrews offers straightforward advice on making wise financial and lifestyle decisions that could change your life for the better. Covering everything from what to expect from your lawyer and accountant to negotiating with retirement home community operators, this guide dives into the basics of purchasing a home in a retirement home village, and adapting to your new lifestyle. Walks you through complicated retirement village contracts and what they mean Offers useful tips for choosing a retirement village that suits your needs Includes suggestions for selling your current home, downsizing your possessions and adjusting to a new life Looks at the perks of living in a retirement village community: great company, security, and homes that are designed for easy living

Content Marketing for Nonprofits. A Communications Map for Engaging Your Community, Becoming a Favorite Cause, and Raising More Money Content Marketing for Nonprofits. A Communications Map for Engaging Your Community, Becoming a Favorite Cause, and Raising More Money

Автор: Kivi Miller Leroux

Год издания: 

Nonprofits are communicating more often and in more ways than ever before . . .but is anyone paying attention? In her follow-up to The Nonprofit Marketing Guide: High-Impact, Low-Cost Ways to Build Support for Your Good Cause, Kivi Leroux Miller shows you how to design and implement a content marketing strategy that will attract people to your cause, rather than begging for their attention or interrupting them with your communications. Youll learn how to plan, create, share, and manage relevant and valuable content that inspires and motivates people to support your nonprofit in many different ways. Inside: Eye-opening look at how nonprofit marketing and fundraising is changing, and the perils of not quickly adapting Up-to-date guidance on communicating in a fast-paced, multichannel world How to make big-picture strategic decisions about your content, followed by pragmatic and doable tactics on everything from editorial calendars to repurposing content Real-world examples from 100+ nonprofits of all sizes and missions This book is your must-have guide to communicating so that you keep the supporters you already have, attract new ones, and together, change the world for the better.

The Post-Black and Post-White Church. Becoming the Beloved Community in a Multi-Ethnic World The Post-Black and Post-White Church. Becoming the Beloved Community in a Multi-Ethnic World

Автор: Efrem Smith

Год издания: 

A blueprint for missional, multi-ethnic Christian community Efrem Smith, an internationally recognized and innovative African-American leader, offers a workable plan for connecting theology, practical ministry models, and real stories of people in multi-ethnic Christian communities. Using the example of Jesus, Smith develops a theology of multi-ethnic and missional leadership. Embracing urban and ethnic subcultures such as hip-hop, this book provides a rich mix of multi-ethnic church development, reconciliation theology, missional church thinking, and Christian community. Provides a common-sense approach to creating a multi-ethnic Christian community Includes practical ministry models and real stories of people who are members of thriving multi-ethnic congregations Author is acclaimed African-American thought leader who planted and led a multi-ethnic churches of close to 1,000 and now leads a regional division of a denominational committed to ethnic, multi-ethnic, and missional churches This book is written for anyone wrestling with what it means to be a Christian in an increasingly multi-ethnic world polarized by class, politics, and race.