Скачать книгу - Epic and the Russian Novel from Gogol to Pasternak

Epic and the Russian Novel from Gogol to Pasternak examines the origin of the nineteen- century Russian novel and challenges the Lukacs-Bakhtin theory of epic. By removing the Russian novel from its European context, the authors reveal that it developed as a means of reconnecting the narrative form with its origins in classical and Christian epic in a way that expressed the Russian desire to renew and restore ancient spirituality. Through this methodology, Griffiths and Rabinowitz dispute Bakhtin’s classification of epic as a monophonic and dead genre whose time has passed. Due to its grand themes and cultural centrality, the epic is the form most suited to newcomers or cultural outsiders seeking legitimacy through appropriation of the past. Through readings of Gogol’s Dead Souls—a uniquely problematic work, and one which Bakhtin argued was novelistic rather than epic—Dostoevsky’s Brothers Karamazov, Pasternak’s Dr. Zhivago, and Tolstoy’s War and Peace, this book redefines “epic” and how we understand the sweep of Russian literature as a whole.

Translation Techniques. English - Russian. Практические основы перевода Translation Techniques. English - Russian. Практические основы перевода

Автор: Т. А. Казакова

Год издания: 

Учебное пособие предназначается изучающим английский язык и входит в систему предметов, обучающих теории и практике перевода. Материал пособия направлен на освоение и развитие практических навыков перевода с английского языка на русский и наоборот.Основным принципом построения пособия, отбора и расположения учебного материала является создание систематического представления о способах, средствах и приемах преобразования языковых единиц в процессе двустороннего перевода. Пособие может бытьиспользовано в рамках учебного процесса на факультетах иностранных языков, для обучения переводчиков, а также для самостоятельных занятий студентов, аспирантов, преподавателей английского языка и начинающих переводчиков.

Администрирование Novell NetWare 6.0/6.5 Администрирование Novell NetWare 6.0/6.5

Автор: Джеймс Е. Гаскин

Год издания: 

В книге подробно описана вся работа с популярной сетевой операционной системой NetWare 6 - от инсталляции ее на сервере до тонкостей управления с помощью новейших утилит. Представлены организация и управление NDS eDirectory, iPrint и iFolder, ConsoleOne и Monitor, обеспечение безопасности и работа с объектами, TCP/IP и Интернет. Кратко рассмотрена установка последней версии системы - NetWare 6.5 и работа с ней. `Администрирование Novell NetWare 6.0/6.5` - источник фундаментальных знаний, отличающийся полнотой, практичностью и живым юмором. Вы, безусловно, оцените инструкции Джеймса Гаскина к стандартным технологиям NetWare, его глубокое исследование новых и расширенных возможностей системы, а также советы и хитрые приемы, которыми он знаменит. Для сетевых администраторов.

BMW 3 (E90 / E91) from 2005 to 2014, book repair in eBook (in Russian) BMW 3 (E90 / E91) from 2005 to 2014, book repair in eBook (in Russian)

Автор: Автоклуб

Год издания: 


Your BMW 3 series car

  • Introduction
  • Safety first!
  • Troubleshooting an emergency
  • Starting the engine from an additional power source
  • Wheel replacement
  • Towing
  • Leak detection
  • Weekly checks
  • Checks under the hood of the car
  • Engine oil level
  • Coolant level
  • Level of a brake liquid and a working liquid of coupling
  • Power steering fluid
  • Electrical systems
  • Tire condition and air pressure
  • Battery
  • Working fluids and lubricants
Instruction manual
  • Overview of the dashboard, warning lights and devices
  • Controls
  • Cruise control system
  • Air conditioning system with manual control and automatic operation
  • Storage bays and other interior components
Regular maintenance and maintenance - gasoline engines
  • Introduction
  • Regular maintenance
  • TO-2
  • Resetting maintenance interval (CBS) display mode
  • Maintenance of front brakes
  • Maintenance of rear brakes
  • Car inspection
  • Replacement of air filter
  • Replacement of spark plugs
  • Brake fluid replacement
  • Checking and replacing the auxiliary drive belt
  • Replacing the fuel filter
  • Replacing coolant
Regular maintenance and maintenance - diesel engines
  • Introduction
  • Regular maintenance
  • TO-2
  • Resetting maintenance interval (CBS) display mode
  • Maintenance of front brakes
  • Maintenance of rear brakes
  • Car Inspection
  • Replacement of the air filter (keys 2/5)
  • Replacing the main fuel filter
  • Replacing the particulate filter
  • Brake fluid replacement
  • Checking and replacing the auxiliary drive belt
  • Changing the coolant
Procedures for repairing a four-cylinder petrol engine without removing it from the engine compartment
  • General information
  • Compression check - description and explanation
  • Determination of the top dead center for the cylinder 1 piston
  • Cylinder head cover - removal and installation
  • Torsion damper / pulley and crankshaft pulley hub - removal and installation
  • Chains of drive timing - removal, inspection and installation
  • Asterisks and timing chain tensioner - removal and installation
  • Phase Shifter - description and replacement of components
  • Camshafts and pushers
  • Cylinder head - removal and installation
  • Crankcase - removal and installation
  • Front frame reinforcement - removal and installation
  • Front subframe - lowering, removal and installation
  • Balancing shafts - general information
  • Oil pump - removal, inspection and installation
  • Oil seals - replacement
  • Handwheel / drive clutch plate - Removing and installing
  • Centering Crankshaft Bearing - Replacement
  • Engine / gearbox mountings - check and replace
  • Engine oil level and pressure sensors
Procedures for repairing a six-cylinder petrol engine without removing it from the engine compartment
  • General information
  • Compression check - description and explanation
  • Determination of the top dead center for the cylinder 1 piston
  • Cylinder head cover - removal and installation
  • Torsional vibration damper - removal and installation
  • Chain of drive timing - removal, inspection and installation
  • Components of the valve timing system (Vanos) - removal, inspection and installation
  • Camshafts and pushers
  • Components of the Valvetronic system - removal and installation
  • Cylinder head - removal and installation
  • Crankcase - removal and installation
  • Oil pump - removal, inspection and installation
  • Oil seals - replacement
  • Handwheel / drive clutch plate - removing and installing
  • Engine / gearbox mountings - flywheel guide bearing - check, remove and install
  • Engine oil level and pressure sensors
Repair procedures for the diesel engine (M47T2 and M57T2) without removing it from the engine compartment
  • General information
  • Compression check - description and explanation
  • Engine assembly / valve timing - general information and usage
  • Cylinder head cover - removal and installation
  • Crankshaft pulley / torsional vibration damper - Removing and installing
  • Camshafts, rocker arms and hydraulic lifters - removal, inspection and installation
  • Cylinder head - removal and installation
  • Crankcase - removal and installation
  • Oil pump - removal, inspection and installation
  • Balancing shaft assembly - removal and installation
  • Oil cooler - removal and installation
  • Crankshaft oil seals - replacement
  • Handwheel / drive clutch plate - Removing and installing
  • Engine supports - checking and replacing
  • Flywheel guide bearing - check, remove and install
  • Chains for timing and cover - removal and installation
  • Engine oil level and pressure sensors
Repair procedures for the diesel engine (N47 and N57) without removing it from the engine compartment
  • General information
  • Compression check - description and explanation
  • Engine assembly / valve timing - general information and usage
  • Cylinder head cover - removal and installation
  • Crankshaft pulley / torsional vibration damper - removing and installing
  • Camshafts, rocker arms and hydraulic lifters - removal, inspection and installation
  • Cylinder head - removal and installation
  • Crankcase - removal and installation
  • Oil pump / vacuum pump - removal, inspection and installation
  • Balancer shaft assembly - general information
  • Oil cooler - removal and installation
  • Crankshaft oil seals - replacement
  • Handwheel / drive clutch plate - Removing and installing
  • Engine supports - checking and replacing
  • Flywheel guide bearing - check, remove and install
  • Chains of drive timing and cover - general information
  • Engine oil level and pressure sensors
Removing the engine from the engine compartment and the overhaul procedure
  • General information
  • Major engine repairs - general information
  • Engine removal - methods and precautions
  • Engine - removal and installation
  • Engine overhauling - sequence of disassembly
  • Cylinder head - disassembly
  • Cylinder head and valves - cleaning and checking
  • Cylinder head - assembly
  • Piston / connecting rod assembly - removal
  • Timing drive chain (diesel engines N47 and N57) - removal and installation
  • Crankshaft removal
  • Cylinder block / crankcase - cleaning and inspection
  • Piston / connecting rod assembly - check
  • Crankshaft check
  • The crankshaft bearing and thrust bearing - check
  • Overhauling - assembly sequence
  • Piston rings - installation
  • Crankshaft - installation
  • Pistons / connecting rods in assembly - installation
  • Engine - operation after major repairs
Cooling system, heater and ventilation system
  • General information and precautions
  • Cooling hoses - detach and replace
  • Radiator - removal, inspection and installation
  • Thermostat - removal and installation
  • Cooling fan and viscous coupling - removal and installation
  • Electric cooling fan and casing - Removing and installing
  • Electrical sensors for the cooling system - checking, removing and installing
  • Water pump - removal and installation
  • Heater and ventilation system - general information
  • Components of the heater / ventilation system - removal and installation
  • Air conditioning system - general information and precautions
  • Components of the air conditioning system - removal and installation
  • Heating element for auxiliary heater - removal and installation
  • Shutters and servomotor for adjusting the intensity of the radiator airflow - removal and installation
The power supply and exhaust system - gasoline engines
  • General information and precautions
  • Air filter assembly - removing and installing
  • Fuel tank - removal and installation
  • Accelerator pedal - removal and installation
  • Fuel injection system - general information
  • Fuel injection system - pressure relief and refueling
  • Fuel pump / fuel level sensors - Removing and installing
  • Fuel injection system - check and adjustment
  • Throttle body - removing and installing
  • Components of the distributed fuel injection system - removal and installation
  • Collectors - removal and installation
Exhaust system - removal and installation
  • Power and exhaust system - diesel engines General information and precautions
  • Air filter assembly - removing and installing
  • Fuel tank - removal and installation
  • Accelerator pedal - removal and installation
  • Fuel injection system - general information
  • Fuel injection system - pressure relief and refueling
  • Fuel pump / fuel level sensors and control unit - removal and installation
  • Fuel injection system - check and adjustment
  • High-pressure fuel pump (fuel pump) - Removing and installing
  • Fuel injectors - removal and installation
  • Components of the electronic engine management (EDC) - removal and installation
  • Turbocharger - description and precautions
  • Turbocharger - removal and installation
  • Turbocharger - check and overhaul
  • Intercooler - removing and installing
  • Collectors - removal and installation
  • Exhaust system - general information and replacement
Control systems for harmful emissions
  • General Information
  • Emission control systems (gasoline engines) - checking and replacing components
  • Emission control systems (diesel engines) - checking and replacing components
  • Catalytic converter - general information and precautions
Starting and recharging systems
  • General information and precautions
  • Detection of malfunctions in the electrical system - general information
  • Battery - check and charge
  • Storage battery - detachment, removal and installation
  • Charge system - check
  • Generator drive belt - removal, installation and tension
  • Generator - removal and installation
  • Generator - check and overhaul
  • Startup system - check
  • Starter - removal and installation
  • Starter - check and overhaul
  • Preheating system for diesel engines - description and verification
  • Glow plugs - removal, inspection and installation
  • Control unit / relay for pre- and post-heating systems - removal and installation
Ignition system
  • General information and precautions
  • Ignition system - check
  • High-voltage ignition coils - removal and installation
  • Detonation sensor - removal and installation
  • General information
  • Clutch assembly - removal, inspection and installation
  • Clutch release bearing and lever - removal, inspection and installation
  • The working cylinder - removal, check and installation
  • Master cylinder - removal, inspection and installation
  • Hydraulic clutch circuit - pumping
  • Clutch pedal - removal and installation
Manual transmission
  • General information
  • Checking the transmission oil level
  • Replacing gearbox oil
  • Components of the gearshift mechanism - removal and installation
  • Oil seals - replacement
  • Switch for reversing lights - check, remove and install
  • Manual gearbox - Removing and installing
  • Major overhaul of a manual transmission - general information
Automatic transmission
  • General information
  • Selector lever - removal and installation
  • Cable of the selector lever - removal, installation and adjustment
  • Oil seals - replacement
  • Automatic gearbox - removal and installation
  • Overhaul of an automatic transmission - general information
  • Electronic components / sensors - removal and installation
  • Checking the automatic transmission fluid level
  • Automatic transmission replacement
Main drive, drive shafts and driveshaft
  • General information
  • The main gear assembly is removal and installation
  • Seals of the final drive assembly - replacement
  • Drive shafts - removal and installation
  • Anthers of drive shafts - replacement
  • Drive shaft - removal and installation
  • Rubber coupling propshaft - check and replace
  • PTO shaft bearing - checking and replacing
  • Universal joints of the propshaft - check and replace
  • Checking the final drive oil level
Brake system
  • General information
  • Hydraulic system - air removal
  • Hydraulic connections and hoses - replacement
  • Front brake pads are replacement
  • Rear brake pads - replacement
  • Front brake disc - check, remove and install
  • Rear brake disc - check, remove and install
  • Front brake caliper - removal, overhaul and installation
  • Rear brake caliper - removal, overhaul and installation
  • Master brake cylinder - removal, overhaul and installation
  • Brake pedal - removal and installation
  • Vacuum brake booster - checking
  • The check valve of the vacuum amplifier of brakes - removal, check and installation
  • Parking brake - adjustment
  • Parking brake lever - removal and installation
  • Parking brake cables - removal and installation
  • Parking brake shoes - removal and installation
  • Stop light switch - removal and installation
  • Anti-lock braking system (ABS) - general information
  • Anti-lock components - removal and installation
  • Vacuum pump - removal and installation
Suspension and steering
  • General Information
  • Front hub assembly - removal and installation
  • Front tail-vise of swivel pin - removal and installation
  • Front pillar - removal, overhaul and installation
  • Front levers / rack - removal, overhaul and installation
  • Ball joint for front lever - replacement
  • Front anti-roll bar - removal and installation
  • Connecting rod of the stabilizer of cross-section stability - removal and installation
  • Rear hub assembly - replacement
  • Rear hub bearing replacement
  • Rear shock absorber - removal, overhaul and installation
  • Rear helical spring - removal and installation
  • Shaft of rear swivel pin - removal, overhaul and installation
  • Rear levers / racks - removal, overhaul and installation
  • Rear anti-roll bar - removal and installation
  • Steering wheel - removal and installation
  • Steering column - removal, inspection and installation
  • The mechanism for locking the steering column - general information
  • Intermediate shaft of the steering column - removal and installation
  • Rack-and-pinion steering gear assembly - removal, overhaul and installation
  • Power steering pump - removal and installation
  • Hydraulic power steering circuit - pumping
  • Active Steering control unit - removal and installation
  • Rubber anthers of the steering rack - replacement
  • Tips of transverse steering rods / ball joints - removal and installation
  • The cross-section steering draft - replacement
  • Dynamic stability control (dsc) - general information and component replacement)
  • Wheel alignment angles - general information
Body structure and components
  • General information
  • Maintenance - body and frame
  • Maintenance - upholstery and rugs
  • Elimination of minor body damage - repairs
  • Removing serious body damage - general information
  • Front bumper - removal and installation
  • Rear bumper - removal and installation
  • Hood - removal, installation and adjustment
  • Hood opening cable - removal and installation
  • Hood lock - removal and installation
  • Doors - removal, installation and adjustment
  • Internal door trim panels - removal and installation
  • Handle and door lock components - removal and installation
  • Glass lifters and regulator - removal and installation
  • Lid / tailgate and support pillars - Removing and installing
  • Components of the lid / tailgate lock - removal and installation
  • Components of the central lock - removal and installation
  • Components of electric glass lifts - removal and installation
  • Mirrors and related components - removal and installation
  • Windshield and rear window - general information
  • Hatch - general information, servo replacement and initialization
  • Exterior elements of the body - removal and installation
  • Seats - removal and installation
  • System of pretensioners of seat belts - general information
  • Safety belt components - removal and installation
  • Internal cladding panels - removal and installation
  • Central console - removal and installation
  • Fixing panel assembly - removal and installation
Electrical equipment and electrical systems
  • General Information
  • Detection of malfunctions in the electrical system - general information
  • Fuses and relays - general information
  • Switches - removal and installation
  • Lamps (external lighting) - replacement
  • Lamps (interior lighting) - replacement
  • External headlamps - removal and installation
  • Adjusting the height of the headlights - general information
  • Dashboard - removal and installation
  • Components of the instrument panel - removal and installation
  • Rain sensor - removal and installation
  • Suspension height sensor - removing and installing
  • Tire pressure monitoring system indicator - general information
  • Acoustic signal - removal and installation
  • Wiper arm - removal and installation
  • Draft and wiper drive - removal and installation
  • Components of the windshield washer system / headlights - removal and installation
  • Audio system unit - removal and installation
  • Speakers - removal and installation
  • Radio antenna - general information
  • Cruise control system - general information and component replacement
  • Anti-theft system - general information
  • Components of the heated front seats - removal and installation
  • Airbag System - General Information and Precautions
  • Components of the airbag system - removal and installation
  • Parking assist system (PDC) - general information and component replacement
  • Electrical diagrams - general information
  • Dimensions and weight
  • Vehicle identification numbers
  • General repair procedures
  • Lifting the car with a jack, the points of the pillars
  • Tools and devices
  • Checking the technical condition of the car
  • Troubleshooting

Fiat Ducato / Peugeot Boxer / Citroen Jumper with 1994 (Russian assembly since 2008), book repair in eBook Fiat Ducato / Peugeot Boxer / Citroen Jumper with 1994 (Russian assembly since 2008), book repair in eBook

Автор: Монолит

Год издания: 


Actions in emergency situations

  • Emergency start
  • Start from an external source
  • Forced start of the engine
  • If the tire is punctured
  • If the fuse is blown
  • If the battery is low
  • Lifting the car
  • Towing the car
  • In case of a traffic accident
Daily checks and troubleshooting Instruction manual
  • Basic information
  • Keys, locks and security system
  • Seats, belts and airbags
  • Instrumentation and controls
  • Heating and cooling control
  • Systems and equipment
  • Car maintenance
  • Technical specifications
Precautions and safety rules when working on a car Basic tools, measuring instruments and methods of working with them
  • Basic set of necessary tools
  • Methods of working with measuring devices
Mechanical part of the engine (diesel engines)
  • General information
  • Removing and installing engine (together with gearbox)
  • The head of the block of cylinders, valves, a belt of a drive газораспределительного the mechanism
  • Cylinder block
  • Crankshaft Oil Seals
  • V-Ribbed belt of accessories drive
  • Service data and specification
Mechanical part of the engine (petrol engines)
  • General information
  • Removing and installing engine (together with gearbox)
  • Cylinder Head, Valves
  • Cylinder block
  • Crankshaft oil seals
  • V-ribbed belt for additional equipment
  • Timing belt
  • Service data and specification
Cooling system
  • Coolant expansion tank
  • Radiator
  • The pump of a cooling liquid
  • Thermostat
  • Cooling Fan
  • Service data and specification
Lubrication system
  • Car service
  • Oil dipstick tube
  • Oil pump
  • Oil collector
  • The oil filter
  • Sensors
  • Engine oil cooling system (diesel engines)
  • Service data and specification
Power system
  • Precautions for repair
  • Power system for diesel engines
  • Power system for gasoline engines
  • Fuel tank and components (for all types of engines)
  • Service data and specification
Engine management system
  • Petrol engine control system
  • Diesel engine management system
The intake and exhaust system
  • Intake manifold
  • An exhaust manifold
  • Exhaust pipe and silencers
  • Turbocharging
  • Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR)
  • Service data and specification
Engine electrical equipment
  • Charging system
  • Starting system
  • Ignition system (for petrol engines)
  • Pre-post-post heating system (for diesel engines)
  • Service data and specification
  • General information
  • Precautions for repair
  • Car service
  • Clutch
  • Clutch drive
  • Service data and specification
  • General information (manual transmission)
  • Manual transmission
  • Automatic transmission
  • Transfer case (cars with all-wheel drive)
  • Service data and specification
Drive shafts and final drives
  • Power shafts
  • Cardan shaft (cars with four-wheel drive)
  • Differential
  • Rear axle (all-wheel drive vehicles)
  • Service data and specification
  • Front suspension
  • Rear suspension
  • Wheels and tires
  • Service data and specification
Brake system
  • Car service
  • Components of brake system
  • Front brakes
  • Rear disc brakes
  • Rear drum brakes
  • Parking brake system
  • Antiblocking system of brakes (ABS)
  • Service data and specification
  • Car service
  • Steering wheel, steering shaft, contact disk
  • Steering gear
  • Tips of steering drafts
  • Power Steering
  • Service data and specification
  • General information
  • Interior
  • Exterior
  • Body dimensions
  • Service data and specification
Passive security
  • General information
  • Electronic control unit
  • Airbag modules
  • Sensors and switch of airbags
  • Seat belts
  • Disposal of airbag modules
  • Service data and specification
Air conditioning and heating system
  • General information
  • Heating system
  • Air conditioning system
  • Service data and specification
Electroschemes and connectors
  • Description of the electric circuit
  • Electroschemes
Explanatory dictionary
  • Abbreviations

Skoda Octavia / Skoda Octavia Tour from 1996 to 2010, book repair in eBook (in Russian) Skoda Octavia / Skoda Octavia Tour from 1996 to 2010, book repair in eBook (in Russian)

Автор: Монолит

Год издания: 



Actions in emergency situations

  • Engine overheating
  • Starting the engine from the battery of another car
  • Replacing fuses
  • Wheel replacement
  • Towing the car
Daily checks and troubleshooting Operation of the car in the winter

Trip to the RST

Operation and maintenance manual

  • Basics
  • Vehicle operation and maintenance
  • Technical specifications
Precautions and safety rules when working on a car Basic tools, measuring instruments and methods of working with them
  • Basic set of necessary tools
  • Methods of working with measuring devices
  • Technical specifications
  • Gasoline engines of 1.4 l
  • Gasoline engines of 1.6 l
  • Gasoline engines of 1.8 l
  • Gasoline engines of 2.0 l
  • Diesel engine 1.9 l
Power and engine management system
  • Engine management system
  • Fuel supply system
Lubrication system
  • Gasoline engines of 1.4 l
  • Gasoline engines of 1.6 l
  • Gasoline engines of 1.8 l
  • Gasoline engines of 2.0 l
  • Diesel engine 1.9 l
Cooling system
  • Gasoline engines of 1.4 l
  • Gasoline engines of 1.6 l
  • Gasoline engines of 1.8 l
  • Gasoline engines of 2.0 l
  • Diesel engine 1.9 l
The intake and exhaust system
  • Gasoline engines of 1.4 l
  • Gasoline engines of 1.6 l
  • Gasoline engines of 1.8 l
  • Gasoline engines of 2.0 l
  • Diesel engine 1.9 l
  • Technical specifications
  • Clutch
  • Manual transmission
  • Main gear, differential
Power shafts
  • Removing and installing drive shafts
  • Dismantling and assembling the drive shafts
  • Technical specifications
  • Front suspension
  • Rear suspension
  • Wheels and tires
Brake system
  • Technical specifications
  • Front brakes
  • Rear brakes
  • Parking brake
  • Hydraulic brake actuator
  • Technical specifications
  • Steering column assembly
  • Steering gear
  • Exterior
  • Doors
  • Interior
  • Seats
  • Body dimensions
Heating, ventilation and air conditioning system
  • Heater
  • Air conditioning
Passive security
  • Safety belts
  • Airbag
Electrical equipment
  • Start-up system
  • Charging system
  • Lighting system
  • Windshield wipers
Electroschemes Explanatory dictionary