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Inspirational Words to Meditate On If you liked  Healing After Loss  by Martha W. Hickman and  Together is Better  by Simon Sinek, you’ll love  The Lighten Up Book An Upbeat Guide to Positivity in the Midst of Chaos:   Allen Klein is the world's only «Jollytologist». As a keynote speaker and bestselling author, he has mastered the art of choosing the right quote at the right time. In  The Lighten Up Book , he has gathered his favorite wise words to help readers power their lives with the positive. We have all weathered a lot of storms in recent times, literally with hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, and what seems like unrelenting strife in our daily discourse. We all need reminders of what we truly value in our life – family, friendship, community, leadership, service, helping others. An Inspirational Book for the Ages:  As inspirational as it is instructive,  The Lighten Up Book  is a treasury of moving and meaningful sayings that spurs readers to live life to the fullest. Readers can take this encouraging book on the go to get a quick shot of inspiration at any time, or they can select one quote every day for in-depth thought and meditation. However readers choose to use these uplifting and inspiring quotes, they all have the potential to be life-changing. The Lighten Up Book  offers endless encouragement. The quotes in this book will help you to: Feel inspiredRecover from lossGet back up after a hard day knocks you downAnd much more!

An essay on the best means of promoting the spread of Divine Truth in the unenlightened villages of Great Britain An essay on the best means of promoting the spread of Divine Truth in the unenlightened villages of Great Britain

Автор: J. Thornton

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Полный вариант заголовка: «An essay on the best means of promoting the spread of Divine truth in the unenlightened villages of Great Britain / By J. Thornton».

Rebilius Cruso: Robinson Crusoe, in Latin; a book to lighten tedium to a learner Rebilius Cruso: Robinson Crusoe, in Latin; a book to lighten tedium to a learner

Автор: Даниэль Дефо

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The Levity Effect. Why it Pays to Lighten Up The Levity Effect. Why it Pays to Lighten Up

Автор: Adrian Gostick

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The Levity Effect uses serious science to reveal the remarkable power of humor and fun in business. Science proves it?fun is good for business! Based on ten years of extensive research, the authors argue against business tradition to reveal the powerful bottom-line benefits of leading with levity. With interviews, exercises, and case studies, the book reveals how humor in the workplace will help you communicate messages, build camaraderie, and encourage creativity for a better workplace and bigger profits.

Religio Duplex. How the Enlightenment Reinvented Egyptian Religion Religio Duplex. How the Enlightenment Reinvented Egyptian Religion

Автор: Jan Assmann

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In this important new book, the distinguished Egyptologist Jan Assmann provides a masterful overview of a crucial theme in the religious history of the West – that of 'religio duplex', or dual religion. He begins by returning to the theology of the Ancient Egyptians, who set out to present their culture as divided between the popular and the elite. By examining their beliefs, he argues, we can distinguish the two faces of ancient religions more generally: the outer face (that of the official religion) and the inner face (encompassing the mysterious nature of religious experience). Assmann explains that the Early Modern period witnessed the birth of the idea of dual religion with, on the one hand, the religion of reason and, on the other, that of revelation. This concept gained new significance in the Enlightenment when the dual structure of religion was transposed onto the individual. This meant that man now owed his allegiance not only to his native religion, but also to a universal 'religion of mankind'. In fact, argues Assmann, religion can now only hold a place in our globalized world in this way, as a religion that understands itself as one among many and has learned to see itself through the eyes of the other. This bold and wide-ranging book will be essential reading for historians, theologians and anyone interested in the nature of religion and its role in the shaping of the modern world.

After Enlightenment. The Post-Secular Vision of J. G. Hamann After Enlightenment. The Post-Secular Vision of J. G. Hamann

Автор: John Betz R.

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After Enlightenment: Hamann as Post-Secular Visionary is a comprehensive introduction to the life and works of eighteenth-century German philosopher, J. G. Hamann, the founding father of what has come to be known as Radical Orthodoxy. Provides a long-overdue, comprehensive introduction to Haman's fascinating life and controversial works, including his role as a friend and critic of Kant and some of the most renowned German intellectuals of the age Features substantial new translations of the most important passages from across Hamann's writings, some of which have never been translated into English Examines Hamann's highly original views on a range of topics, including faith, reason, revelation, Christianity, biblical exegesis, Socrates, theological aesthetics, language, sexuality, religion, politics, and the relationship between Judaism and Christianity Presents Hamann as the 'founding father' of a distinctly post-modern, post-secular theology and, as such, as an alternative to the 'postmodern triumvirate' of Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Derrida Considers Hamann's work as a touchtone of modern Jewish-Christian dialogue, in view of debates with his friend Moses Mendelssohn Explores Hamann's role as the visionary founder of a 'metacritical' movement that radically calls into question the basic principles of modern secular reason, and thus reprises the debate between those defending Hamann's views and those labeling him the bete noir of the Enlightenment