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Solid State Electrochemistry II. Electrodes, Interfaces and Ceramic Membranes
Автор: Vladislav Kharton V.
Год издания:
The ideal addition to the companion volume on fundamentals, methodologies, and applications, this second volume combines fundamental information with an overview of the role of ceramic membranes, electrodes and interfaces in this important, interdisciplinary and rapidly developing field. Written primarily for specialists working in solid state electrochemistry, this first comprehensive handbook on the topic focuses on the most important developments over the last decade, as well as the methodological and theoretical aspects and practical applications. This makes the contents equally of interest to material, physical and industrial scientists, and to physicists. Also available as a two-volume set.
Production of Membrane Proteins. Strategies for Expression and Isolation
Автор: Anne Robinson Skaja
Год издания:
Designed as a research-level guide to current strategies and methods of membrane protein production on the small to intermediate scale, this practice-oriented book provides detailed, step-by-step laboratory protocols as well as an explanation of the principles behind each method, together with a discussion of its relative advantages and disadvantages. Following an introductory section on current challenges in membrane protein production, the book goes on to look at expression systems, emerging methods and approaches, and protein specific considerations. Case studies illustrate how to select or sample the optimal production system for any desired membrane protein, saving both time and money on the laboratory as well as the technical production scale. Unique in its coverage of «difficult» proteins with large membrane-embedded domains, proteins from extremophiles, peripheral membrane proteins, and protein fragments.
The Photosynthetic Membrane. Molecular Mechanisms and Biophysics of Light Harvesting
Автор: Alexander Ruban V.
Год издания:
The proteins that gather light for plant photosynthesis are embedded within cell membranes in a site called the thylakoid membrane (or the «photosynthetic membrane»). These proteins form the light harvesting antenna that feeds with energy a number of vital photosynthetic processes such as water oxidation and oxygen evolution, the pumping of protons across the thylakoid membranes coupled with the electron transport chain of the photosystems and cytochrome b6f complex, and ATP synthesis by ATP synthase utilizing the generated proton gradient. The Photosynthetic Membrane: Molecular Mechanisms and Biophysics of Light Harvesting is an introduction to the fundamental design and function of the light harvesting photosynthetic membrane, one of the most common and most important structures of life. It describes the underlying structure of the membrane, the variety and roles of the membrane proteins, the atomic structures of light harvesting complexes and their macromolecular assemblies, the molecular mechanisms and dynamics of light harvesting and primary energy transformations, and the broad range of adaptations to different light environments. The book shows, using the example of the photosynthetic membrane, how complex biological structures utilize principles of chemistry and physics in order to carry out biological functions. The Photosynthetic Membrane: Molecular Mechanisms of Light Harvesting will appeal to a wide audience of undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as researchers working in the fields of biochemistry, molecular biology, biophysics, plant science and bioengineering.
Lipids and Cellular Membranes in Amyloid Diseases
Автор: Raz Jelinek
Год издания:
Addressing one of the biggest riddles in current molecular cell biology, this ground-breaking monograph builds the case for the crucial involvement of lipids and membranes in the formation of amyloid deposits. Tying together recent knowledge from in vitro and in vivo studes, and built on a sound biophysical and biochemical foundation, this overview brings the reader up to date with current models of the interplay between membranes and amyloid formation. Required reading for any researcher interested in amyloid formation and amyloid toxicity, and possible avenues for the prevention or treatment of neurodegenerative disorders. From the contents: * Interactions of Alpha-Synuclein with Lipids * Interaction of hIAPP and its Precursors with Membranes * Amyloid Polymorphisms: Structural Basis and Significance in Biology and Molecular Medicine * The Role of Lipid Rafts in Alzheimer's Disease * Alzheimer's Disease as a Membrane-Associated Enzymopathy of Beta-Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP) Secretases * Impaired Regulation of Glutamate Receptor Channels and Signaling Molecules by Beta-Amyloid in Alzheimer's Disease * Membrane Changes in BSE and Scrapie * Experimental Approaches and Technical Challenges for Studying Amyloid-Membrane Interactions and more
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