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Pathophysiology of the Enteric Nervous System Pathophysiology of the Enteric Nervous System

Автор: Robin Spiller

Год издания: 

Over the last few years there have been huge advances made in our understanding of the interactions between the brain and the gut – the enteric nervous system. This book is particularly relevant in the understanding, diagnosis and management of irritable bowel syndrome – the most common functional disorder of the bowel. IBS has been diagnosed in 10-20% of adults in the US, and symptoms of IBS are responsible for more than 3 million visits to the physician in the US. This book is aimed at specialist gastroenterologists but also should be of interest for trainees and fellows in gastroenterology, as well as PCPs and GPs with an interest in this subject.

The Enteric Nervous System The Enteric Nervous System

Автор: Группа авторов

Год издания: 

Covers all aspects of the structure, function, neurochemistry, transmitter identification and development of the enteric nervous system This book brings together extensive knowledge of the structure and cell physiology of the enteric nervous system and provides an up-to-date synthesis of the roles of the enteric nervous system in the control of motility, secretion and blood supply in the gastrointestinal tract. It includes sections on the enteric nervous system in disease, genetic abnormalities that affect enteric nervous system function, and targets for therapy in the enteric nervous system. It also includes many newly created explanatory diagrams and illustrations of the organization of enteric nerve circuits. This new book is ideal for gastroenterologists (including trainees/fellows), clinical physiologists and educators. It is invaluable for the many scientists in academia, research institutes and industry who have been drawn to work on the gastrointestinal innervation because of its intrinsic interest, its economic importance and its involvement in unsolved health problems. It also provides a valuable resource for undergraduate and graduate teaching.

The Enteric Microbiota The Enteric Microbiota

Автор: Francisco Guarner

Год издания: 

Enteric Nervous System Enteric Nervous System

Автор: Jackie D. Wood

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