Urvo Ugandi on uks Eesti esisommeljeedest. Veinijuhi eraamatute sarjas tutvustab ta luhidalt ja lihtsalt koiki olulisemaid veinimaid. Selles raamatus tuleb juttu Argentina veinikultuurist.
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Minu Argentina
Автор: Liis Kangsepp
Год издания:
Populaarse raamatu parandatud ja taiendatud uustrukk, lisatud on foto ja epiloog. Raamat raagib loo sellest, kuidas endine majandusajakirjanik jattis oma mugava elu Eestis ja kolis toole Buenos Airese vaestelinnaosasse, mismoodi ta seal paevakeskuses prussakatega voitles ja siis hoopis ulemuseks sai, mismoodi ta kais tutvumas vaalade ja pingviinidega, mismoodi ta ei suutnud prugikastiinimesega intervjuud teha, kuidas rullusid suhtemustrid vabatahtlike hulgas ja „Kakluskubiks” nimetatud uhiskorteris. „Buenos Airese hing on ulbe ja pirtsakas; samas ka ullas ja suuremeelne,” utleb autor. „Uhel hetkel virutab ta sulle oelalt naerdes sellise paugu, et vajud polvili, veremaik suus; teisel hetkel teeb sulle uskumatuna naivaid suuremeelseid kingitusi.”
The Playboy Of Argentina
Автор: Bella Frances
Год издания:
Hot Nights In Buenos Aires!Polo-playing legend Rocco Hermida once blazed through Francesca Ryan’s life like a hurricane, leaving behind a trail of emotional devastation and unfulfilled desire. Meeting him again, Frankie’s horrified to discover that the passion Rocco ignited is still simmering… and one scorching kiss drives it to boiling point!Rocco has always seen Frankie as unfinished business, so a brief fling at his luxurious Argentinian villa seems the perfect solution! Seduction is easy for Rocco – but then one night with Frankie isn’t enough…Can he risk letting her in on the dark secrets he hides – his toughest challenge yet?Discover more at www.millsandboon.co.uk/bellafrances
Mission to Argentina
Автор: David Monnery
Год издания:
Ultimate soldier. Ultimate mission. But can the SAS prevent the launch of Exocet missiles at the British Task Force?May 1982: as the British Task Force prepares to retake the Falkland Islands, a lone Sea King helicopter makes an apparently forced landing in the southernmost reaches of Chile.The only threat to the Task Force – and the enemy’s only hope of ultimate victory – is Argentina’s Super Etendard aircraft and their sea-skimming Exocet missiles. Since radar cannot be relied upon, the British must opt for a less conventional warning system. Before landing in Chile, the ‘stray’ Sea King drops a team of men into Argentina, where they are tasked with remaining hidden within sight of the airfields and within easy reach of the enemy’s security patrols.Getting the men in is easy enough, but staying unobserved is another matter – and eventual escape will be next to impossible…Mission to Argentina tells the electrifying story of this SAS operation from the inside – a heart-stopping thriller about the regiment equalled by no other: the SAS!
Mission to Argentina
Автор: David Monnery
Год издания:
Chile and Argentina
Автор: Mark Szuchman
Год издания:
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