The Root of Spiritual Enlightenment Chinese Qigong can be generally categorized into External Elixir (Wai Dan) and Internal Elixir (Nei Dan) Qigong. The first step of practicing Internal Elixir Qigong has been known as Small Cyclic Heaven (Small Circulation or Microcosmic Meditation). After completing Small Cyclic Heaven, a practitioner will learn Grand Cyclic Heaven (Grand Circulation or Macrocosmic Meditation). The purpose of Grand Cyclic Heaven is to re-open the Heaven Eye (Third Eye) to unite the natural spirit and human spirit. This is the ultimate goal of spiritual enlightenment in both Daoism (Taoism) and Buddhism. Although these kinds of meditations are popular, very few scientific books or documents are available to the public. The Foundation of Internal Elixir Cultivation In order to reach the goal of longevity and spiritual enlightenment, the Qigong practitioner must learn Internal Elixir Qigong. The first step to learning is to understand the theory and the method of Embryonic Breathing. Practicing this breathing technique will help you to establish your central energy system, conserve your energy, and store this energy to abundant levels. Once you have established this foundation, you will be able to practice Small Cyclic Heaven (Small Circulation or Microcosmic Orbit) and Grand Cyclic Heaven (Grand Circulation of Macrocosmic Orbit) effectively. It is understood that without this foundation, the root of spiritual enlightenment will not be established and the study and the practice of spiritual enlightenment, through meditation, will be in vain. Embryonic Breathing theory and techniques were kept secret in Buddhist and Daoist (Taoist) monasteries. Dr. Yang discusses most of the available documents, translates and comments upon them. Scientific analysis and summary of the practice methods. A comprehensive, straightforward way to understand and practice Embryonic Breathing. Получить ссылку |
Meditationes philosophicae
Автор: Israeli Canzii
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Полный вариант заголовка: «Meditationes philosophicae : quibus variae scientiarum difficultates expenduntur et veritates opposite confirmantv... / Israeli Gottlieb Canzii».
Tervendage end qigong'i abiga
Автор: Suzanne B. Friedman
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Leebed harjutused energia suurendamiseks, tervise taastamiseks ja vaimu loogastamiseks Qigong on iidne Hiina raviviis, mis koosneb fuusilistest liigutustest, meditatsioonist, loomingulisest visualiseerimisest ja hingamisharjutustest, aitamaks kehale elujoudu anda ja vaimu tervendada. Nagu ka tai chi, kultiveerib qigong keha elujouenergiat parema tervise, suurema energia ja pikaealisuse heaks. Selle voimsad huved on Hiinas juba aastatuhandeid tuntud. See unikaalne raamat esitab ule 100 lihtsa, viieminutilise qigong’i harjutuse, mis on koostatud mitmesuguste terviseprobleemide jaoks, alates valutava selja tugevdamisest ja stressi leevendamisest kuni seksuaalfunktsiooni parandamise ja energia tostmiseni. Voite kasutada seda raamatut selleks, et leida kiiresti parim qigong’i harjutus oma erilisteks fuusilise voi vaimse tervise vajadusteks. Raamat aitab teil kohandada harjutusi, olles ideaalne nii kogenud harjutajate kui qigong’is algajate jaoks. Uuendage oma energiat ja rahustage vaimu Valige ja kombineerige neljast jargnevast alajaotusest: silmapilksed energia lisajad, harjutused fuusilise elujou taastamiseks, emotsioone tasakaalustavad tehnikad, harjutused hinge rahustamiseks. Suzanne B. Friedman, L.Ac., DMQ (Hiina) on akupunkturist, herbalist ja meditsiinilise qigong’i doktor. Friedman on qigong’i meister oma opetaja taoistlikus liinis. Tal on oppetool meditsiinilise qigongiteaduse osakonnas Akupunktuuri ja Integratiivse Meditsiini Kolledzis Berkeley’s, CA.
Meditation For Dummies
Автор: Stephan Bodian
Год издания:
Take an inward journey for a happier, healthier life Meditation has been used for centuries to reduce stress, increase energy, and enhance overall health and well-being—so it's no wonder more and more people in today's fast-paced and stress-centric world are adopting this age-old practice. If you want to achieve a greater state of calmness, physical relaxation, and psychological balance, Meditation For Dummies is your life raft. Covering the latest research on the health benefits of meditation, this new edition explains in plain English how you can put meditation into practice today and start reaping the benefits of living a more mindful life. Whether you're new to meditation or a seasoned practitioner coming back for a refresher course, this plain-English guide provides a wealth of tips and techniques for sitting (or lying) down with your mind to meditate successfully. From preparing your body for meditation to focusing your awareness and being open to the present moment, it covers everything you need to put distractions to rest and open yourself up to a meditation practice that works for you. Provides the latest research on the causes of happiness and how meditation can improve your mood Includes a new chapter on the growing trend of meditation in the workplace Explains how meditation and other mindfulness practices have made their way into hospitals, schools, prison, and military groups Illustrates the benefits of taking time to consciously cultivate mindfulness through meditation If you're ready to find some zen and benefit from all meditation has to offer, this friendly guide sets you up for success.
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