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Siblings and all the lateral relationships that follow from them are clearly important and their interaction is widely observed, particularly in creative literature. Yet in the social, psychological and political sciences, there is no theoretical paradigm through which we might understand them. In the Western world our thought is completely dominated by a vertical model, by patterns of descent or ascent: mother or father to child, or child to parent. Yet our ideals are ‘liberty, equality and fraternity’ or the ‘sisterhood’ of feminism; our ethnic wars are the violence of ‘fratricide’. When we grow up, siblings feature prominently in sex, violence and the construction of gender differences but they are absent from our theories. This book examines the reasons for this omission and begins the search for a new paradigm based on siblings and lateral relationships. This book will be essential reading for those studying sociology, psychoanalysis and gender studies. It will also appeal to a wide general readership.
The Happy Learning Book for Siblings
Автор: Fynn Sor
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Your home is the perfect place for learning, fun, and sibling bonding!The Happy Learning Book for Siblings features 50 hands-on activities you can conduct in the comfort of your home. They are divided into five learning areas (Literacy, Numeracy, Discovery of the World, Motor Skills and Sensory Play, Arts and Crafts), and are scaled for children of different ages to experience together. Spark hours of joyful learning and playful moments for your children, from toddlers to preschoolers and school-aged kids!<b>Contents:</b> <ul><li>Introduction</li><li>The Benefits of Positive Sibling Relationships</li><li>The Basics of a Good Multi-age Learning Activity</li><li>More Tips for Learning and Playing with Siblings</li><li>Literacy</li><li>Numeracy</li><li>Discovery of the World</li><li>Motor Skills</li><li>Sensory Play, Arts and Crafts</li><li>About the Author</li><li>Acknowledgements</li><li>Printables</li></ul><br><b>Readership:</b> Parents with young children; parents with multiple children.Children;Learning;Homeschool;Siblings;Learning Activities;Kids;Multi-Age Activities;Games;Preschool;Parenting;Lockdown Activities;Home Activities;DIY;Activities for Siblings at Home;Indoor Activities for Kids;Family Activities;Toddlers;Preschoolers;Primary School;Literacy;Numeracy;Motor Skills;Sensory Play;Arts And Crafts;Child Development;Learning Development0<b>Key Features:</b><ul><li>50 Hands-on activities — Engage your children through playful activities from five learning areas: Literacy, Numeracy, Discovery of the World, Motor Skills, and Sensory Play, Arts and Crafts</li><li>Perfect for Siblings 2 to 9 years old — Easy to follow instructions for parents to adapt the activities for your toddler, preschooler and school-aged kids!</li><li>Easy and low prep — The activities are perfect for busy parents who want to nurture happy learning siblings. Use materials you have lying at home and set up the activities in minutes!</li></ul>