Скачать книгу - Naves Plenis Velis Euntes

Frederic Theis untersucht die romischen Schiffsdarstellungen Italiens und des zentralen Nordafrika von der mittleren Republik und den Kriegen gegen Karthago bis in die Umbruchszeit der Volkerwanderung und Spatantike. Erfasst werden knapp 500 freiplastische Skulpturen und Reliefs, Mosaikbilder, Wandgemalde sowie graphische Zeichnungen von Schiffen, Booten, Flo?en und anderen Wasserfahrzeugen in ihrem raumlichen Umfeld; von offentlichen Monumenten, aus Thermen und Theatern sowie aus Wohnhausern und Grabern. Theis legt damit die erste umfassende ikonologisch-topographische Untersuchung dieser Bildwerke aus dem Kerngebiet des Imperium Romanum vor. Es zeigt sich in den Abbildern eine Mentalitat, die uberraschend stark auf das Maritime und die Seefahrt schlechthin hin ausgerichtete war, und eine Geisteshaltung, in der das Schiff nicht blo?es Vehikel war fur Handel oder Krieg, sondern daruber hinaus mannigfaltige neue Bedeutungszuweisungen erfuhr.

Naves inspektors Naves inspektors

Автор: Deivids Morels

Год издания: 

Ir 1855. gads, plosas Krimas kars. Britu komandieru nekompetence izraisa valdibas krisanu. Imperija ir sasupojusies. Saja trauksmainaja laika dzivo Tomass de Kvinsijs, pazistams ari ka Opija lietotajs, – viena no Viktorijas laikmeta Anglijas slavenakajam un spozakajam personibam. Kopa ar nevaldamo meitu Emiliju un sabiedrotajiem no Skotlendjarda – detektiviem Raienu un Bekeru – Tomass de Kvinsijs saduras ar ienaidnieku, kas apdraud nacijas sirdi.

Contemporary Russian Novelists Contemporary Russian Novelists

Автор: Persky Serge

Год издания: 

Theodore Watts-Dunton: Poet, Novelist, Critic Theodore Watts-Dunton: Poet, Novelist, Critic

Автор: Douglas James

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A Novelist on Novels A Novelist on Novels

Автор: George Walter Lionel

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Demand-Driven Inventory Optimization and Replenishment. Creating a More Efficient Supply Chain Demand-Driven Inventory Optimization and Replenishment. Creating a More Efficient Supply Chain

Автор: Robert Davis A.

Год издания: 

Remove built-in supply chain weak points to more effectively balance supply and demand Demand-Driven Inventory Optimization and Replenishment shows how companies can support supply chain metrics and business initiatives by removing the weak points built into their inventory systems. Beginning with a thorough examination of Just in Time, Efficient Consumer Response, and Collaborative Forecasting, Planning, and Replenishment, this book walks you through the mathematical shortcuts set up in your management system that prevent you from attaining supply chain excellence. This expanded second edition includes new coverage of inventory performance, business verticals, business initiatives, and metrics, alongside case studies that illustrate how optimized inventory and replenishment delivers results across retail, high-tech, men's clothing, and food sectors. Inventory optimization allows you to avoid out-of-stock situations without impacting the bottom line with excessive inventory maintenance. By keeping just the right amount of inventory on hand, your company is better able to meet demand without sacrificing the cost-effectiveness of other supply chain strategies. The trick, however, is determining «just the right amount»—and this book provides the background and practical guidance you need to do just that. Examine the major supply chain strategies of the last 30 years Remove the shortcuts that prohibit supply chain excellence Optimize your supply/demand balance in any vertical Overcome systemic weaknesses to strengthen the bottom line Inventory optimization is benefitting companies around the world, as exemplified here by case studies involving Matas, PWT, Wistron, and Amway. When inefficiencies are built into the system, it's only smart business to identify and remove them—and implement a new streamlined process that runs like a well-oiled machine. Demand-Driven Inventory Optimization and Replenishment is an essential resource for exceptional supply chain management.