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Barsk: The Elephants' Graveyard Barsk: The Elephants' Graveyard

Автор: Lawrence M. Schoen

Год издания: 0000

Curious Epitaphs, Collected from the Graveyards of Great Britain and Ireland. Curious Epitaphs, Collected from the Graveyards of Great Britain and Ireland.

Автор: Andrews William

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Exposing the Elephants. Creating Exceptional Nonprofits Exposing the Elephants. Creating Exceptional Nonprofits

Автор: Pamela Wilcox J.

Год издания: 

Go Beyond «Business As Usual» with Your Nonprofit "At last–the 'real truth' about nonprofit management! In Exposing the Elephants, Wilcox reveals the 'pesky pachyderms' that block our way to full effectiveness. How often have we grumbled that 'just because you're a [insert profession here], it doesn't mean you know how to run a nonprofit'? With clarity, passion, and sly humor, Wilcox validates that perspective and many others–but doesn't let us get away with just accepting the presence of the elephant in the room. Wilcox summarizes complex issues using recognizable examples and then offers sensible strategies for resolving them. Ultimately, she gives us permission to do the right thing(s). I love this book–and I can't wait to start implementing the 'elephant solutions'! " –Nancy Perkin Beaumont, CAE, Executive Director, Society of American Archivists «Before I finished reading Exposing the Elephants, I met with my key staff to talk about what we must change. I also shared what I learned from reading the book with a friend who sits on several different types of boards. Wilcox says it like it is–and it needs to be said–in every nonprofit organization.» –Julie Donovan, Executive Director, Habitat for Humanity, Lake County, Illinois «A remarkably candid, fresh, and witty analysis of the challenges inherent in managing nonprofits. Insightful and pragmatic solutions to overcoming the 'white elephants' so prevalent in the nonprofit culture. A 'must read' for every nonprofit CEO and board member.» –Dick Yingst, President & CEO, Financial Managers Society, Chicago, Illinois «Pam Wilcox is willing to say the things that nonprofit professionals often do not wish to hear. She reveals through clear language and flowing style the significant barriers that nonprofits face and need to remove for not just success but also excellence. Unlike many authors who point out what is wrong with nonprofits, Wilcox shows us the way to tackle our most intractable issues and move to excellence. This book should be read by any and everyone involved in the nonprofit sector.» –Katrina S. Rogers, PhD, Associate Dean, Research and Practice Director, Center for Innovation in the Nonprofit Sector, Fielding Graduate University

Elephants and Savanna Woodland Ecosystems Elephants and Savanna Woodland Ecosystems

Автор: Группа авторов

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During the nineteenth century, ivory hunting caused a substantial decrease of elephant numbers in southern Africa. Soon after that, populations of many other large and medium-sized herbivores went into steep decline due to the rinderpest pandemic in the 1890s. These two events provided an opportunity for woodland establishment in areas previously intensively utilized by elephants and other herbivores. The return of elephants to currently protected areas of their former range has greatly influenced vegetation locally and the resulting potential negative effects on biodiversity are causing concern among stakeholders, managers, and scientists. This book focuses on the ecological effects of the increasing elephant population in northern Botswana, presenting the importance of the elephants for the heterogeneity of the system, and showing that elephant ecology involves much wider spatiotemporal scales than was previously thought. Drawing on the results of their research, the authors discuss elephant-caused effects on vegetation in nutrient-rich and nutrient-poor savannas, and the potential competition between elephants on the one hand and browsers and mixed feeders on the other. Ultimately this text provides a comprehensive review of ecological processes in African savannas, covering long-term ecosystem changes and human-wildlife conflicts. It summarises new knowledge on the ecology of the sub-humid African savanna ecosystems to advance the general functional understanding of savanna ecosystems across moisture and nutrient gradients.

A Graveyard for Lunatics A Graveyard for Lunatics

Автор: Рэй Брэдбери

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One of Ray Bradbury’s classic novels, available in ebook for the first time.Halloween Night, 1954. A young, film-obsessed scriptwriter has just been hired at one of the great studios. An anonymous investigation leads from the giant Maximus Films backlot to an eerie graveyard separated from the studio by a single wall. There he makes a terrifying discovery that thrusts him into a maelstrom of intrigue and mystery – and into the dizzy exhilaration of the movie industry at the height of its glittering power.

When Elephants Last in the Dooryard Bloomed When Elephants Last in the Dooryard Bloomed

Автор: Рэй Брэдбери

Год издания: 

Ray Bradbury’s first ever poetry collection, available in ebook for the first time.Carried into strange and enticing realms by his fantastic stories, the multitudes of his admirers have never doubted that the author of Dandelion Wine, The Martian Chronicles, and other uniquely imaginative works of short and long fiction is a poet. But, even so, the intensity of feeling, the imaginative range, the variety of subject and style in this, Ray Bradbury’s first collection of poems, amaze.In ‘Remembrance’, the poet experiences a piercing gratitude when he roots out of a squirrel’s hole a long-forgotten message addressed, when he was twelve, to his later self. In ‘Old Mars, Then Be a Hearth to Us,’ the master of science fiction carries us closer to that glowing planet. In ‘Emily Dickinson, Where Are You? Herman Melville Called Your Name Last Night in His Sleep!’ the literary fantasist delights us with his romantic imagination. Lose yourself in the delights of science fiction’s master storyteller.