Thrawn: Alliances (Star Wars)
Автор: Timothy Zahn
Год издания: 0000
Alliances. An Executive Guide to Designing Successful Strategic Partnerships
Автор: Ard-Pieter Man de
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A timely and practical guide that helps senior managers design successful strategic partnerships Strategic alliances are increasingly common among modern corporations and a hot topic in today's business schools. Alliance is a sophisticated guide to crafting successful partnerships, offering a combination of carefully designed checklists, up-to-date examples and scenarios from around the world, and the tools needed to ensure that all elements of an alliance are taken into account and fully assessed. Most managers don't have the experience or knowledge to create a functional alliance governance structure. This book fills that knowledge gap with a clear description of the proper implementation process. Ideal for business leaders engaged in building a corporate alliance and business school students Covers all of the available alliance structure, describes the building blocks of alliance design, and defines an effective process for managers constructing alliances Written by a leading expert on the subject who is a member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals As the popularity and frequency of corporate strategic alliances grows, Alliance gives business leaders the insight and practical advice they need to ensure their partnerships benefit all parties.
Network Advantage. How to Unlock Value From Your Alliances and Partnerships
Автор: Henrich Greve
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Companies made more than 42,000 alliances over the past decade worldwide, many of which failed to deliver strong results. This book explains why and how you can seize the benefits from your business’s network of alliances with customers, suppliers and competitors. This network can provide three key advantages: · superior information · better cooperation · increased power Network Advantage shows how awareness of these three advantages can help align your portfolio of alliances with your corporate strategy to maximize advantages from existing networks and to position your business as an industry leader. This book is written by three leading authorities in the field of organizational management who work with many international corporate clients. Based on groundbreaking research and illustrative cases, it provides practical tools to help you think strategically about reconfiguring your alliances and partnerships. For business executives, consultants, and executive MBAs who want to get the most advantage from the combined power of their alliance portfolios, Network Advantage offers in-depth, practical guidance. Make it your first strategic connection to gaining competitive advantage! Companies’ connections to other firms—their network of alliances—matter for economic success. In this practical, jargon-free, evidence-based book, three experienced scholar/educators provide practical tools to understand your company’s network positioning and what to do to build webs of relationships that provide competitive advantage and economic value. —Jeffrey Pfeffer, professor, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University and co-author of The Knowing-Doing Gap. The book, Network Advantage, presents compelling ideas and is a must-read. It articulates three different perspectives to think about a firm’s network advantage and shows how a firm can maximize the value of its alliance network. The book is filled with theoretical and practical insights on the topic and offers captivating case studies to illustrate its key points. It is fun to read. I highly recommend this book. —W. Chan Kim, The BCG Chair Professor of INSEAD and the Co-director of the INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy Institute In this eminently researched book, the authors show how executives and entrepreneurs alike can unlock the value of alliances. And the book comes with some «secrets» to success that most managers overlook. Every CEO, executive and entrepreneur who are collaborating with other firms ought to read this book. —Morten T. Hansen, Professor at University of California at Berkeley, author of Collaboration and co-author of Great by Choice. Don’t compete alone! “Network Advantage” provides a fresh perspective on how all firms can benefit from their alliances and partnerships. The authors seamlessly integrate academic research and real life examples into a practical step by step guide for unleashing the power, information and cooperation advantages available in networks. A must read for thoughtful executives and entrepreneurs alike. —Stein Ove Fenne, President, Tupperware U.S. & Canada Having the «right» business network is everything for a company's success in Asia and worldwide. With its rich cases and practical tools, this book is an indispensable guide for a thoughtful executive on how to design, build and manage a network that will make your firm globally competitive. —Yong-Kyung Lee, Former CEO of Ko
Nonprofit Mergers and Alliances
Автор: Thomas McLaughlin A.
Год издания:
Clear, practical, step-by-step guidance through the nonprofit merger process Using real-world examples, case studies, and enduring frameworks, Nonprofit Mergers and Alliances, Second Edition offers clear, practical, step-by-step guidance through the merger and alliance development process. From assessing feasibility and planning for implementation to post-merger integration, this ground-breaking work points out pitfalls and offers insightful commentary in every chapter. Provides a comprehensive framework for designing and implementing effective collaborations of all kinds Offers the tools needed to effectively collaborate with potential partners Shows how nonprofit mergers are fundamentally different from for-profit mergers-and why board members need to know this Focuses on the needs of the nonprofit sector, including cultural compatibility and compassionate management practices Shows nonprofit managers and board members how to make their way through the merger process without repeating Wall Street's mistakes Insightful and realistic, Nonprofit Mergers and Alliances, Second Edition equips you with the tools and knowledge you need to create effective collaborations.
Finding Allies, Building Alliances. 8 Elements that Bring--and Keep--People Together
Автор: Mike Leavitt
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From Governor and White House cabinet member Mike Leavitt: how to find collaborative solutions to the greatest challenges Your business challenges extend far beyond you and your firm, to the competitors within your industry and the regulators outside it. Finding solutions to larger issues requires cooperation between diverse stakeholders, and in this rapidly changing world, only those able to adapt and network successfully will produce fast, competitive solutions. How can leaders successfully bridge divides and turn competitors into collaborators? Leavitt and McKeown explain how a well-chosen network can become a powerful alliance. Whether you're launching a new partnership, or rehabilitating one already in progress, Finding Allies, Building Alliances will help you find workable solutions to the most complex problems. Written by Mike Leavitt, former Governor of Utah who brought the 2002 Winter Olympics to Salt Lake City, former US Secretary of Health and human services, and former head of the EPA; with his former Chief of Staff and business partner Rich McKeown, co-founder of Leavitt Partners Includes a framework of 8 elements that will help any leader foster and maintain an effective, productive collaborative venture Shows how better collaboration can not only solve problems, but boost the competitiveness and resilience in all sectors Finding Allies, Building Alliances is essential reading for any business leader looking for transformative solutions and a sustainable future.
Due Diligence for Global Deal Making. The Definitive Guide to Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions, Joint Ventures, Financings, and Strategic Alliances
Автор: Arthur Rosenbloom H.
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Companies of all sizes have been initiating international transactions–mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, strategic alliances, and private placements–in record numbers. Targeted due diligence is crucial to effectively research, value, and complete these complex deals. With an evolving climate of uncertainty and new, unpredictable threats to business, it is more essential than ever before. Due Diligence for Global Deal Making is an invaluable guidebook for companies trying to capitalize on the opportunities in both developed and emerging cross-border markets. All too often global transactions fail to meet the parties' expectations, and the leading culprit is inadequate due diligence. Especially when the target partner lacks a financial performance track record and significant assets, expanding businesses must answer difficult questions, such as: Why (if at all) do this deal? What are the rules going in, and what happens if things go wrong? Where are the tax, legal, financial, and operational traps, and what are the opportunities? This book provides what’s needed to avoid devastating mistakes and to master the steps that ensure success: Expert analysis, insights, and strategies from experienced practitioners and leading authorities in cross-border matters In-depth coverage of critical topics decision makers need to understand in order to succeed in cross-border transactions–from corporate planning to operational, financial, legal, tax, accounting, and people/organizational considerations Best practices of corporate investors and professional advisers in conducting critical due diligence Noted experts discuss critical topics corporate executives–and all those involved with their company's legal, operational, accounting, and tax matters–need to know to successfully complete complex global transactions today.