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Developmental Neuropathology Developmental Neuropathology

Автор: Homa Adle-Biassette

Год издания: 0000

A definitive, clinically oriented guide to the pathology of genetics of developmental neuropathology Developmental neuropathology relates to the wide range of disorders affecting the developing brain or pre- and post-natal life, with emphasis on the genetic and molecular mechanisms involved. This book provides a practical guide to diagnosing and understanding these disorders affecting this vulnerable population and potentially stimulates further advances in this exciting area. It also addresses the controversies in inflicted head injury in infants. The fourth major title to be approved by the International Society of Neuropathology (ISN), Developmental Neuropathology offers in-depth chapter coverage of brain development; chromosomal changes; malformations; secondary malformations and destructive pathologies; developmental vascular disorders; acquired metabolic and exogenous toxins; metabolic disorders; Rett syndrome and autism; and infectious diseases. The text provides: Clinical, disease-oriented approach to the pathology and genetics developmental neuropathology Fuses classical and contemporary investigative approaches Includes genetic and molecular biological pathogeneses Fully illustrated Approved and endorsed by International Society of Neuropathology Developmental Neuropathology is the perfect book for practicing neuropathologists, pediatric pathologists, general pathologists, neurologists, and geneticists in deciphering the pathology and pathogenesis of these complex disorders affecting the nervous system of the embryo, fetus, and child.
The Completely Revised Handbook of Coaching. A Developmental Approach The Completely Revised Handbook of Coaching. A Developmental Approach

Автор: Pamela McLean

Год издания: 

Praise for The Completely Revised HANDBOOK OF COACHING «Pam McLean has written a jewel of a book. Its straightforward, easy-to-read style lays out an elegantly simple, effective, and agile coaching methodology. This will become a well-used ('dog-eared,' in the days before e-books) guidebook for both the new and the seasoned coach.» —MARY BETH O'NEILL, author, Executive Coaching with Backbone and Heart «A welcome and comprehensive update of the original Handbook, this theoretically grounded, yet highly practical book presents important integrative coaching models that deal with complex coaching issues in an easy-to-read way. This book will be of use to novices and experienced coaches alike.» —ANTHONY M. GRANT Ph.D., coauthor, Evidence Based Coaching Handbook; faculty, University of Sydney «I love this book. Pam McLean offers the most comprehensive and clear explanation of use of self—why it is important and where we need to focus our attention—that I have ever read. In addition, she describes the robust Hudson coaching methodology clearly with lots of examples and always links theory to practice.» —RICK MAURER, author, Beyond the Wall of Resistance; faculty, Gestalt Institute of Cleveland «The new Handbook of Coaching is intellectually satisfying and pragmatically rich, a tour-de-force grounded in a thorough exploration of adult development and coaching models. This major rework of Hudson's classic offers practitioners extensive guidance on coach methodology, the system dynamics of change, and the crucial use of self. Leadership coaches at any level will find this an invaluable resource.» —DOUG SILSBEE, author, Presence-Based Coaching «With an emphasis on thoroughly understanding one's self as a coach and supporting one's clients to understand themselves, as well as their contexts, Pam's book is very resourceful both practically and conceptually. Her very current real-life examples are insightful and useful.» —EDIE SEASHORE, M.A., author, Triple Impact Coaching

Evolution. A Developmental Approach Evolution. A Developmental Approach

Автор: Wallace Arthur

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This book is aimed at students taking courses on evolution in universities and colleges. Its approach and its structure are very different from previously-published evolution texts. The core theme in this book is how evolution works by changing the course of embryonic and post-embryonic development. In other words, it is an evolution text that has been very much influenced by the new approach of evolutionary developmental biology, or 'evo-devo'. Key themes include the following: developmental repatterning; adaptation and coadaptation; gene co-option; developmental plasticity; the origins of evolutionary novelties and body plans; and evolutionary changes in the complexity of organisms. As can be seen from this list, the book includes information across the levels of the gene, the organism, and the population. It also includes the issue of mapping developmental changes onto evolutionary trees. The examples used to illustrate particular points range widely, including animals, plants and fossils. «I have really enjoyed reading this book. One of the strengths of the book is the almost conversational style. I found the style easy to read, but also feel that it will be invaluable in teaching. One of our tasks in university level teaching is to develop students' critical thinking skills. We need to support them in their intellectual development from a „just the facts“ approach to being able to make critical judgements based on available evidence. The openness and honesty with which Arthur speaks to uncertainty in science is refreshing and will be a baseline for discussions with students.» -Professor Patricia Moore, Exeter University «This book, written as an undergraduate text, is a really most impressive book. Given the burgeoning interest in the role of developmental change in evolution in recent times, this will be a very timely publication. The book is well structured and, like the author's other books, very well written. He communicates with a clear, lucid style and has the ability to explain even the more difficult concepts in an accessible manner.» –Professor Kenneth McNamara, University of Cambridge The companion site can be found at www.wiley.com/go/arthur/evolution. Here you download all figures from the book, captions, tables, and table of contents.

Dictionary of Developmental Biology and Embryology Dictionary of Developmental Biology and Embryology

Автор: Frank Dye J.

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A newly revised edition of the standard reference for the field today—updated with new terms, major discoveries, significant scientists, and illustrations Developmental biology is the study of the mechanisms of development, differentiation, and growth in animals and plants at the molecular, cellular, and genetic levels. The discipline has gained prominence in part due to new interdisciplinary approaches and advances in technology, which have led to the rapid emergence of new concepts and words. The Dictionary of Developmental Biology and Embryology, Second Edition is the first comprehensive reference focused on the field's terms, research, history, and people. This authoritative A-to-Z resource covers classical morphological and cytological terms along with those from modern genetics and molecular biology. Extensively cross-referenced, the Dictionary includes definitions of terms, explanations of concepts, and biographies of historical figures. Comparative aspects are described in order to provide a sense of the evolution of structures, and topics range from fundamental terminology, germ layers, and induction to RNAi, evo-devo, stem cell differentiation, and more. Readers will find such features of embryology and developmental biology as: Vertebrates Invertebrates Plants Developmental genetics Evolutionary developmental biology Molecular developmental biology Medical embryology The author's premium on accessibility allows readers at all levels to enhance their vocabulary in their field and understand terminology beyond their specific focus. Researchers and students in developmental biology, cell biology, developmental genetics, and embryology will find the dictionary to be a vital resource.

Essential Developmental Biology Essential Developmental Biology

Автор: Jonathan M. W. Slack

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Developmental biology is at the core of biological science, integrating molecular biology, genetics and anatomy. The past 15 years has seen revolutionary advances not only in our understanding of the processes by which an egg develops into an adult, but also in the application of this knowledge to the areas of reproductive technology, drug development and organ replacement. Essential Developmental Biology is a concise and well-illustrated treatment of this subject for undergraduates. Assuming no prior knowledge of anatomy and only the basics of cell biology and genetics, the book starts off by introducing the principles and approaches of developmental biology. The second section covers the characteristic development of each of the principal model species used for research and the final chapters are devoted to organ development, predominantly in vertebrates. With an emphasis throughout on the evidence underpinning the main conclusions, this book is suitable as the key text for both introductory and more advanced courses in developmental biology. A new approach to a widely taught subject. Priced for student purchase at approximately half the price of the main competition. Over 200 illustrations, with artwork available free on the Web. Well-known author/media celebrity.

Handbook of Child and Adolescent Drug and Substance Abuse. Pharmacological, Developmental, and Clinical Considerations Handbook of Child and Adolescent Drug and Substance Abuse. Pharmacological, Developmental, and Clinical Considerations

Автор: Pagliaro Louis A.

Год издания: 

Selected by Choice as a 2013 Outstanding Academic Title