Hereditary Tumors
Автор: Simone Fulda
Год издания: 0000
Summarizing molecular aspects, diagnostic as well as therapeutic issues, this book is the very first and most comprehensive on hereditary aspects of tumor diseases. All the contributors have been made fellows of the Ingrid zu Solms Foundation due to their outstanding achievements in scientific research, and they discuss here the latest aspects in the diagnosis, disease management, and treatment of hereditary tumor diseases and syndromes. A must-have ready reference for medical and biology students, MDs, PhDs, physicians, and researchers.
Soft Tissue Tumors. A Multidisciplinary, Decisional Diagnostic Approach
Автор: Klijanienko Jerzy
Год издания:
Soft tissue tumors (STTs) are frequently misdiagnosed in inexperienced hands. Having diagnosed and treated hundreds of patients with these difficult tumors in the last few years, Institut Curie physicians have collected core data contributing to breakthrough research into the morphological, biological, and molecular aspects of soft tissue tumors, resulting in valuable translational and clinical applications to patient treatment. Soft Tissue Tumors: A Multidisciplinary, Decisional Diagnostic Approach presents a distillation of these experiences, combined with valuable data and perspectives contributed by senior pathologists, oncologists, and radiologists from several of the world’s other leading cancer centers of excellence.
Atlas for the Diagnosis of Tumors in the Dog and Cat
Автор: Anita R. Kiehl
Год издания:
Atlas for the Diagnosis of Tumors in the Dog and Cat is a diagnostic tool for determining if samples are abnormal and defining the cause of the abnormality, with 386 clinical images depicting normal and abnormal results. Offers a brief overview of the methods used to produce a diagnosis and prognosis from a biopsy tissue sample Pairs photographs of biopsy samples with photomicrographs of cells obtained via fine needle aspirate Includes a useful chapter covering sample handling, staining, and shipping
Tumors in Domestic Animals
Автор: Donald Meuten J.
Год издания:
Ocular Tumors in Animals and Humans
Автор: Kenneth Simons B.
Год издания:
The application of evidence-based veterinary medicine (EBVM) can assist in improving and optimising the diagnosis, prognosis, control, treatment and ultimately the welfare of animals. It can also provide the user with a methodology for appropriate, patient orientated life-long, self-directed, learning. To practise evidence-based veterinary medicine we require a range of skills that we may not have. This book will explain what evidence-based veterinary medicine is and show how it can be applied to veterinary practice to improve the quality of care for patients and provide informed choices for owners. It will provide the reader with a toolkit of skills necessary to practise evidence-based veterinary medicine. The authors explain how to: · Transform information needs into a series of clinical questions that can be answered · Search for best available external evidence · Critically appraise the evidence for its validity and importance · Apply the results in clinical practice · Understand the process of diagnosis and use of clinical diagnostic decision support systems · Perform a decision analysis This book is aimed at practitioners but will be of interest to veterinary surgeons at any stage of their training or career wishing to learn about EBVM. The authors are responsible for devising and teaching an EBVM course at the veterinary school at Cambridge. Dr Peter Cockcroft, Clinical lecturer, Department of Clinical Veterinary Medicine, University of Cambridge.