Автор: Carl Djerassi
Год издания: 0000
Im Dezember 2001 feiert die Koniglich-Schwedische Akademie das hundertjahrige Bestehen des Nobelpreises, und anlasslich dessen soll ein Retro-Nobelpreis verliehen werden – fur herausragende Leistungen aus der Zeit, bevor es den Nobelpreis gab. Das Chemikomitee der Akademie beschlie?t, sich mit der Entdeckung des Sauerstoffs zu befassen, denn diese lautete die Chemische Revolution ein. Vor 1901, meint das Komitee, waren die Entdeckungen ebenso kompliziert wie ihre Entdecker: «Wissenschaftler benahmen sich noch wie Gentlemen.» Diese Vermutungen werden jedoch schnell widerlegt: die «Gentlemen» aus dem Jahr 1777 – und die Frauen an ihrer Seite – waren verstrickt in Eitelkeiten, Intrigen und Geheimniskramereien. Das Horspiel orientiert sich an historischen Figuren – wie zum Beispiel dem franzosischen Chemiker Antoine Lavoisier, der als Entdecker des Oxygens gilt. Dieser Entdeckerstatus Lavoisiers allerdings ist heftig umstritten: Lavoisier erfahrt namlich bereit 1774 von der Erzeugung eines «neuen Geses» durch den Geistlichen Priestley. Fast gleichzeitig bekommt er Post von einem schwedischen Apotheker namens Schelle: dieser legt Lavoisier dar, wie man den «Lebensspender Sauerstoff» erzeugt. Scheele hatte die erforderlichen Experimente bereits vor Jahren durchgefuhrt, jedoch nie veroffentlicht. Der Geistliche und der Apotheker aber grunden ihre Entdeckungen auf eine falsche Theorie, die erst Lavoisier widerlegt. Das Chemikomitee steht vor einer schwierigen Frage: Was ist uberhaupt eine wissenschaftliche Entdeckung? Was ist, wenn jemand seine eigene Entdeckung gar nicht versteht? Oder wenn er sie, wie der Apotheker Scheele, nicht veroffentlicht? "

Автор: Zaher Radi A.
Год издания:
The first thorough review of cyclooxygenase inhibitors, including their toxicity mechanisms and toxicopathological risks Cyclooxygenases (COXs) are enzymes responsible for the formation of an important class of biological mediators called prostanoids. Prostanoids such as prostaglandins mediate inflammatory and anaphylactic reactions. For those suffering from inflammation and pain, the pharmacological inhibition of COXs, with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, can provide relief. Yet the use of NSAIDs can trigger toxicological effects as well, leading to potential health risks. Comparative Pathophysiology and Toxicology of Cyclooxygenases provides a comprehensive overview of how COX inhibitors affect various bodily systems, specifically the toxicity mechanisms triggered when the COX enzyme is inhibited. The book provides an introduction to the discovery of cyclooxygenases, their use as therapeutic agents, as well as an historical perspective. Shedding light on the differences in expression, pathophysiology, and toxicology of COX inhibitors across species, the book offers a systematic examination of the effects and pathophysiology of COX inhibitors and their mechanisms of toxicity, beginning with the GI tract. Subsequent chapters cover: The pathophysiology of COX inhibition on bone, tendon, and ligament healing COX inhibitors and renal system pathophysiology and mechanisms of toxicity The pathophysiologic role of COX inhibition in the ocular system COX inhibition and the respiratory and cardiovascular systems The book also sheds light on the latest research devoted to developing COX inhibitors with no adverse side-effects. The first book to offer a thorough comparative look at the toxicological effects of COX inhibitors throughout the body, this invaluable resource will help advance the research and development of safer and more effective COX drugs.

Автор: Mozzarelli Andrea
Год издания:
Human blood performs many important functions including defence against disease and transport of biomolecules, but perhaps the most important is to carry oxygen – the fundamental biochemical fuel – and other blood gases around the cardiovascular system. Traditional therapies for the impairment of this function, or the rapid replacement of lost blood, have centred around blood transfusions. However scientists are developing chemicals (oxygen therapeutics, or “blood substitutes”) which have the same oxygen-carrying capability as blood and can be used as replacements for blood transfusion or to treat diseases where oxygen transport is impaired. Chemistry and Biochemistry of Oxygen Therapeutics: From Transfusion to Artificial Blood links the underlying biochemical principles of the field with chemical and biotechnological innovations and pre-clinical development. The first part of the book deals with the chemistry, biochemistry, physiology and toxicity of oxygen, including chapters on hemoglobin reactivity and regulation; the major cellular and physiological control mechanisms of blood flow and oxygen delivery; hemoglobin and myoglobin; nitric oxide and oxygen; and the role of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species in ischemia/reperfusion Injury. The book then discusses medical needs for oxygen supply, including acute traumatic hemorrhage and anemia; diagnosis and treatment of haemorrhages in «non-surgical» patients; management of perioperative bleeding; oxygenation in the preterm neonate; ischemia normobaric and hyperbaric oxygen therapy for ischemic stroke and other neurological conditions; and transfusion therapy in ? thalassemia and sickle cell disease Finally “old”and new strategies for oxygen supply are described. These include the political, administrative and logistic issues surrounding transfusion; conscientious objection in patient blood management; causes and consequences of red cell incompatibility; biochemistry of red blood cell storage; proteomic investigations on stored red blood cells; red blood cells from stem cells; the universal red blood cell; allosteric effectors of hemoglobin; hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers; oxygen delivery by natural and artificial oxygen carriers; cross-linked and polymerized hemoglobins as potential blood substitutes; design of novel pegylated hemoglobins as oxygen carrying plasma expanders; hb octamers by introduction of surface cysteines; hemoglobin-vesicles as a cellular type hemoglobin-based oxygen carrier; animal models and oxidative biomarkers to evaluate pre-clinical safety of extracellular hemoglobins; and academia – industry collaboration in blood substitute development. Chemistry and Biochemistry of Oxygen Therapeutics: From Transfusion to Artificial Blood is an essential reference for clinicians, haematologists, medicinal chemists, biochemists, molecular biologists, biotechnologists and blood substitute researchers.

Автор: Группа авторов
Год издания:
Covers the vastly expanding subject of oxidative processes mediated by copper ions within biological systems Copper-mediated biological oxidations offer a broad range of fundamentally important and potentially practical chemical processes that cross many chemical and pharmaceutical disciplines. This newest volume in the Wiley Series on Reactive Intermediates in Chemistry and Biology is divided into three logical areas within the topic of copper/oxygen chemistry— biological systems, theory, and bioinorganic models and applications—to explore the biosphere for its highly evolved and thus efficient oxidative transformations in the discovery of new types of interactions between molecular oxygen and copper ion. Featuring a diverse collection of subject matter unified in one complete and comprehensive resource, Copper-Oxygen Chemistry probes the fundamental aspects of copper coordination chemistry, synthetic organic chemistry, and biological chemistry to reveal both the biological and chemical aspects driving the current exciting research efforts behind copper-oxygen chemistry. In addition, Copper-Oxygen Chemistry: Addresses the significantly increasing literature on oxygen-atom insertion and carbon-carbon bond-forming reactions as well as enantioselective oxidation chemistries Progresses from biological systems to spectroscopy and theory, and onward to bioinorganic models and applications Covers a wide array of reaction types such as insertion and dehydrogenation reactions that utilize the cheap, abundant, and energy-containing O2 molecule With thorough coverage by prominent authors and researchers shaping innovations in this growing field, this valuable reference is essential reading for bioinorganic chemists, as well as organic, synthetic, and pharmaceutical chemists in academia and industry.

Автор: Группа авторов
Год издания:
Photosynthesis and the complex network within plants is becoming more important than ever, because of the earth’s changing climate. In addition, the concepts can be used in other areas, and the science itself is useful in practical applications in many branches of science, including medicine, biology, biophysics, and chemistry. This original, groundbreaking work by two highly experienced and well-known scientists introduces a new and different approach to thinking about living organisms, what we can learn from them, and how we can use the concepts within their scientific makeup in practice. This book describes the principles of complex signaling networks enabling spatiotemporally-directed macroscopic processes by the coupling of systems leading to a bottom-up information transfer in photosynthetic organisms. Top-down messengers triggered by macroscopic actuators like sunlight, gravity, environment or stress lead to an activation of the gene regulation on the molecular level. Mainly the generation and monitoring, as well the role of reactive oxygen species in photosynthetic organisms as typical messengers in complex networks, are described. A theoretical approach according to the principle of synergetics is presented to model light absorption, electron transfer and membrane dynamics in plants. A special focus will be attended to nonlinear processes that form the basic principle for the accumulation of energy reservoirs and large forces enabling the dynamics of macroscopic devices. This volume is a must-have for any scientist, student, or engineer working with photosynthesis. The concepts herein are not available anywhere else, in any other format, and it is truly a groundbreaking work with sure to be long-lasting effects on the scientific community.

Автор: Группа авторов
Год издания:
Describes the basics of ROS metabolism in plants and examines the broad range of ROS signaling mechanisms New discoveries about the effects of reactive oxygen species (ROS) on plants have turned ROS from being considered a bane into a boon, because their roles have been discovered in many plant developmental processes as signaling molecules. This comprehensive book teaches about the role of ROS metabolism in plants and how they affect various developmental processes. It also discusses in detail the advancements made in understanding the ROS signaling. Reactive Oxygen Species in Plants: Boon Or Bane – Revisiting the Role of ROS begins by presenting the basic introduction to ROS and deciphers the detailed knowledge in ROS research. It then examines the broad range of ROS signaling mechanisms as well as how they may be beneficial for plants and human beings. This book also describes both the bane and boon aspects of ROS with their impact on plants, and how the recent revelations have compelled us to rethink ROS turning from stressors to plant regulators. ? Compiles, for the first time, the wholesome knowledge in ROS research and their cellular signaling ? Includes new discoveries and in-depth discussions about the advancements made in the field ? Discusses reactive oxygen species which are involved in a broad range of biological processes Reactive Oxygen Species in Plants: Boon Or Bane – Revisiting the Role of ROS will help scientists to utilize the functions of ROS signaling for plants and also enable readers to gain a deeper knowledge of ROS research and signaling. It is highly recommended for researchers, scientists, and academicians in plant science as well for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students.