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The Obesity Code The Obesity Code

Автор: Jason Fung

Год издания: 0000

The international bestseller from Dr. Jason Fung, one of the world's leading experts on intermittent fasting and weight loss, whose 5-step plan has helped thousands of people lose weight and transform their health.   “Not only full of insights but also surprisingly funny. Read it to understand why the world became fat, how to reverse the epidemic—and how to stay thin yourself.”— Andreas Eenfeldt , MD, Founder of dietdoctor.comEverything you believe about how to lose weight is wrong. Weight gain and obesity are driven by hormones—in everyone—and only by understanding the effects of insulin and insulin resistance can we achieve lasting weight loss.In this highly readable and provocative book, Dr. Jason Fung sets out an original, robust theory of obesity that provides startling insights into proper nutrition. In addition to his five basic steps, a set of lifelong habits that will improve your health and control your insulin levels, Dr. Fung explains how to use intermittent fasting to break the cycle of insulin resistance and reach a healthy weight—for good.
Eating Disorders and Obesity. A Counselor's Guide to Prevention and Treatment Eating Disorders and Obesity. A Counselor's Guide to Prevention and Treatment

Автор: Laura Choate H.

Год издания: 

Both practical and comprehensive, this book provides a clear framework for the assessment, treatment, and prevention of eating disorders and obesity. Focusing on best practices and offering a range of current techniques, leaders in the field examine these life-threatening disorders and propose treatment options for clients of all ages. This text, written specifically for counselors, benefits from the authors’ collective expertise and emphasizes practitioner-friendly, wellness-based approaches that counselors can use in their daily practice. Parts I and II of the text address risk factors in and sociocultural influences on the development of eating disorders, gender differences, the unique concerns of clients of color, ethical and legal issues, and assessment and diagnosis. Part III explores prevention and early intervention with high-risk groups in school, university, and community settings. The final section presents a variety of treatment interventions, such as cognitive–behavioral, interpersonal, dialectical behavior, and family-based therapy. *Requests for digital versions from the ACA can be found on wiley.com. *To request print copies, please visit the ACA website.

ABC of Obesity ABC of Obesity

Автор: Lean Mike

Год издания: 

Obesity is a hugely expensive and increasing problem worldwide, leading to disability, reproductive problems, depression and accelerated metabolic and vascular diseases in a large proportion of men, women and children. The ABC of Obesity is a new guide which will aid its effective management, addressing issues such as dieting, exercise, self esteem, drug treatment and surgery. Recent evidence is used to highlight frequent problems, successful treatment options, and the most common causes. Written by leading experts, this is a widely accessible text and an indispensable guide for all general practitioners, junior doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals who are involved in the treatment and research of this common condition.

Obesity and Weight Management in Primary Care Obesity and Weight Management in Primary Care

Автор: Nick Bosanquet

Год издания: 

Obesity is undoubtedly the major nutritional disorder of the western world. It has such a major impact on mortality, morbidity and the quality of life that it most certainly merits consideration as a disease in its own right and should be managed as such. Obesity and Weight Management in Primary Care covers all the evidence on the disease of obesity which impacts both quality of life and health. It reviews the links to long-term illness, especially diabetes and cardiovascular disease, and dedicates much to the current management strategies and treatment of obesity. This book aims to make the task of tackling obesity less daunting for both patients and the health care professionals who treat them.

Fatty Acid and Lipotoxicity in Obesity and Diabetes Fatty Acid and Lipotoxicity in Obesity and Diabetes

Автор: Gregory Bock R.

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The potential lipotoxic effect of accumulation of fatty acids in non-adipose tissues is thought to be a major component in the development of insulin resistance. Chronic exposure to high concentrations of free fatty acids in the blood affects pancreatic ? cell function, insulin secretion and lipid synthesis in the liver, and storage in adipose tissue. Maintaining the normal levels of fatty acids requires coordinated regulation between the liver, adipose tissue and skeletal muscle. This book deals with the molecular aspects of fatty acid action in obesity and insulin resistance. The topics include lipid metabolism and adipose tissue biology, and ? cell function and insulin resistance. Chapters deal with the molecular genetics and molecular physiology of energy homeostasis.

Clinical Obesity in Adults and Children Clinical Obesity in Adults and Children

Автор: Peter Kopelman G.

Год издания: 

Highly Commended in the 2006 British Medical Association Book Awards (Endocrinology) This Second Edition brings together more than 20 internationally recognized experts in the field to provide a timely review of current knowledge. The text remains an invaluable resource for all healthcare professionals involved in the care of patients who are obese. New features of this Second Edition include: Addition of two new co-editors – Professor Bill Dietz, USA and Professor Ian Caterson, Australia Increased number of contributors from around the globe – providing a truly international perspective Includes new information about the causes of obesity, its complications and new (and novel) methods of prevention and treatment Reorganized into sections that address obesity and its social and cultural aspects, biology, associated diseases, life stages (pediatric and adult), management, and environmental and policy approaches