Storyteller Guitar
Автор: Doug Larson
Год издания: 0000
Every object around us contains the history of all the people and places that brought it here. But rarely is that history explored. In this book, instead of breaking an object apart to reveal those stories, they are told by building the object a guitar named Storyteller from scratch. The text and illustrations reveal the rich lives of the people, places, and projects that breathed life into it. The stories range from people who were pioneers in landscape restoration to those involved with automobile manufacturing. The places include the high arctic, tropical forests, and vertical cliffs of the Niagara Escarpment. The projects include stage plays, laser physics and the establishment of the first Canadian diamond mines. By bringing together these disparate stories in one musical instrument the book makes the argument that art, science, and history are part of everybody’s life.
Ultimate Storyteller
Автор: Сергей Гузенков
Год издания:
Книга «Ultimate Storyteller» для тех, кто хочет стать выдающимся рассказчиком. Вы никогда не слышали о сторителлинге? Читайте и убедитесь, что сторителлер из вас точно получится. Как совершенный сторителлер Вы без труда сможете создать рассказ из нескольких слов, написать полноценную автобиографию, увлекательную маркетинговую историю, придать им эмоции, дополнить юмором и восхитить слушателя.
Евгений Найдёнов, основатель Ultimate Guitar
Автор: Максим Спиридонов
Год издания:
Как студент из Калининграда сделал крупнейший в мире сайт для гитаристов-любителей? В каких пропорциях уделять внимание бизнесу и продукту? Почему на то, чтобы сделать архив табулатур легальным бизнесом, ушло семь лет? Интервью с гостем: – Что приносит компании больше всего денег? – «Благодаря Ultimate Guitar сбылись мои детские мечты». – Как сервис помог ввести гитарные табулатуры в международное правовое поле? – Кого в компании больше – разработчиков или гитаристов? – «[При смене нашего графика работы] одним из главных требований было, чтобы человек высыпался». – Легко ли сочетать холакратию, рок-н-ролл и бизнес? – Как Ultimate Guitar собирается расширяться на сопредельные отрасли? – «Свобода возникает в тот момент, когда человек готов полностью принять на себя ответственность».
The Strategic Storyteller. Content Marketing in the Age of the Educated Consumer
Автор: Alexander Jutkowitz
Год издания:
The world needs more storytellers. Storytelling is an inherently innovative activity. When organizations find their best stories and tell them to the world, they’re not only building a reputation, they're flexing the same muscles that allow them to pivot quickly around crisis or opportunity, and solve problems more creatively. For individuals, crafting stories is the primary way we can make sense of the world and our place in it. The Strategic Storyteller is a comprehensive, practical guide to transformative storytelling. In its pages you will learn how to: Tap into your and your organization's unique sources of wonder, wisdom, and delight Boost individual and collective creativity Understand the storytelling strategies behind some of the world’s most powerful brands Unlock the secrets of the great strategic storytellers of the past Build a place where your stories can live online Distribute stories so they have staying power and reach in the digital age Convene audiences by going beyond demographic stereotypes and tapping into enduring human needs Understand how unshakable reputations are built out of stories that accumulate over time Sooner or later all of us will be asked to tell stories in the course of our professional lives. We will be asked to make a case for ourselves, our work, our companies, and our future. The Strategic Storyteller tells you how.
Bass Guitar For Dummies
Автор: Patrick Pfeiffer
Год издания:
Updated with the latest bass guitar technology, accessories, and more The bass is the heart of music. So leave center stage to the other musicians—you have more important work to do. You can find everything you need to dominate bass in Bass Guitar For Dummies, 3rd Edition. You'll get expert advice on the basics, like deciding what kind of bass to buy and which accessories are necessary and which are just nice to have. Plus, you'll get step-by-step instructions for getting started, from how to hold and position your bass to reading notation and understanding chords, scales, and octaves to playing solos and fills. Access to audio tracks and instructional videos on New musical exercises as well as updates to charts, illustrations, photos, and resources Whether you're a beginner picking up a bass for the first time or an experienced player looking to improve your skills, Bass Guitar For Dummies is an easy-to-follow reference that gives you just enough music theory to get you going on your way fast!