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The Core Concepts of Occupational Therapy The Core Concepts of Occupational Therapy

Автор: Jennifer Creek

Год издания: 0000

The profession of occupational therapy has a highly specialised language, but until now there have been no standard definitions of its key terms. Based on the work of the terminology project group of the European Network of Occupational Therapy in Higher Education (ENOTHE), this book selects and defines the core building blocks of occupational therapy theory. Consensus definitions of a wide range of terms are developed through an analysis of published definitions from around the world. Concepts with similar meanings are clustered into groups, and the clusters are then arranged into a conceptual map. The book provides an analysis of what each term means in common usage, how it is used in occupational therapy, and its implications for therapeutic practice. The conceptual framework that emerges represents an important contribution to the profession's understanding of the fundamental concepts of occupational therapy. The consensus definitions presented in this book will facilitate communication between professionals as well as with clients and others, and will be of interest to occupational therapy practitioners, students, educators and researchers.
Адаптация билингвальных детей в условиях эмиграции. Asociacion European Association Psychotherapy & Coaching Trainer Psy Positum EAPCT Адаптация билингвальных детей в условиях эмиграции. Asociacion European Association Psychotherapy & Coaching Trainer Psy Positum EAPCT

Автор: Alla Zelcer

Год издания: 

Пособие для родителей и учебных заведений. Существует множество ложных суждений, которые порождают все новые и новые мифы, вызывающие страх у родителей в связи с переездом в другую страну. Это пособие возникло в результате необходимости помочь родителям разобраться и преодолеть возможные трудности в адаптации ребенка, а также развеять мифы, связанные с этим вопросом.

Compassion Focused Therapy For Dummies Compassion Focused Therapy For Dummies

Автор: Mary Welford

Год издания: 

Don't be so hard on yourself – use compassion focused therapy as your guide It's often said that we're our own worst critics—and it's true. Compassion Focused Therapy For Dummies offers straightforward and practical advice that helps you view yourself through a more sympathetic lens. This motivating text covers the key principles of compassion focused therapy, which guide you in caring for your wellbeing, becoming sensitive to your needs, recognising when you are distressed, and extending warmth and understanding to yourself. This transformative resource provides you with metrics that you can use to monitor your progress, including sensitivity, sympathy, empathy, and overall wellbeing. Initially developed to assist people experiencing high levels of shame and self-criticism, compassion focused therapy increases your awareness of the automatic reactions that you experience—and motivates you to combat negative reactions with kindness and affection. Used on its own or in combination with other therapeutic approaches, the value of compassion focused therapy is supported by strong neuropsychological evidence. Understand how to handle difficult emotions with greater ease—and less stress Transform difficult, potentially damaging relationships into positive aspects of your life Encourage and motivate yourself to continually meet your goals, rather than criticise yourself for perceived failures Stop being so hard on yourself, and appreciate yourself for who you are Compassion Focused Therapy For Dummies is a wonderful resource if you are seeing—or thinking about seeing—a therapist who utilises compassion techniques, or if you would like to leverage the principles of compassion focused therapy to manage your own wellbeing.

The Strategy Pathfinder. Core Concepts and Live Cases The Strategy Pathfinder. Core Concepts and Live Cases

Автор: Duncan Angwin

Год издания: 

Real-world strategic management practice in an interactive micro-case format The Strategy Pathfinder presents an innovative, dynamic guide to strategic thinking and practice. Using real-world case examples from companies like Apple, the BBC, Hyundai, LEGO, McDonalds, Nike and SpaceX to illustrate critical concepts, this book enables readers to actively participate in real-world strategy dilemmas and create their own solutions. Strategy Pathfinder’s ‘live’ micro-cases provoke discussion about business models, value creation, new ventures and more, while its complimentary instructional content introduces you to the best ‘classic’ and new tools of strategic management. Rather than passively reproducing past and current ideas, Strategy Pathfinder encourages strategic thinkers to learn by doing. The book is designed to help the reader to develop a clear understanding of key concepts while shifting your thought processes towards real strategic action and innovation by enabling you to: Use strategy theories and frameworks to engage in analytical and creative discussions about key strategic issues facing real companies today Form strategic views for yourself, and test them against the views of others Effectively make and communicate recommendations based on solid strategic analysis that stand up to scrutiny from multiple stakeholders Become an active producer of new strategic ideas rather than a passive receiver of past wisdom This third edition has been updated with new chapters and cases to reflect the latest, cutting-edge issues in strategic thinking and practice. And the updated companion website offers students, instructors and managers more resources to facilitate understanding, interaction and innovation. As an active learning experience, The Strategy Pathfinder 3rd Edition engages the reader in the work of strategy practitioners. By arming you with the empirical research you need, and the best strategic management theories and frameworks to better analyse situations you're likely to encounter or already facing in your career, The Strategy Pathfinder teaches you how to improve your strategic thinking and practice, and develop your own strategic pathways for the future.

Mastering Elliott Wave Principle. Elementary Concepts, Wave Patterns, and Practice Exercises Mastering Elliott Wave Principle. Elementary Concepts, Wave Patterns, and Practice Exercises

Автор: Constance Brown

Год издания: 

An innovative approach to applying Elliott Wave Principle By convention, most Elliott Wave Principle (EWP) practitioners focus on individual market price movement. Connie Brown has a global reputation of developing analysis that focuses on the integration of global markets. In a two book series you will be taken through the steps to master the global cash flows of today’s financial markets. The approach found in this first book differs from the traditional view of EWP because it shows you how geometry and the use of simple boxes drawn within a trend will guide you away from the common complaint of subjectivity, thereby making smarter trades of higher probability. While EWP can be a challenging topic, the structure of this book eases you into the analysis principles. With Mastering Elliott Wave Principle you are guided step-by-step through the learning phases of Elliott Wave analysis and then your understanding is further challenged through self-examination. The preliminary coaching unravels common misunderstandings that sabotage the beginner. You will discover how price swings and waves are not the same. Elements of balance and proportion are mathematical concepts taught through geometry and not subjective. These basic skills establish a foundation that allow beginners to understand what to expect from their level of skill. There are three distinct levels of skill that all masters of the EWP have learned. Now there is a series to guide your understanding at each skill level so you can develop a working knowledge of how to define market positions around the world in short or long term time horizons. Bring your biases, bring your past concerns and discover how this breakthrough and original approach to teaching the Wave Principle can help you. Traders, from beginners to advanced, can use this book to become proficient in the Elliott Wave Principle Contains practice charts to compare your understanding and skill level with follow-up discussions of how you may have differed based on the results from twenty years of coaching

The Algebra Teacher's Guide to Reteaching Essential Concepts and Skills. 150 Mini-Lessons for Correcting Common Mistakes The Algebra Teacher's Guide to Reteaching Essential Concepts and Skills. 150 Mini-Lessons for Correcting Common Mistakes

Автор: Erin Muschla

Год издания: 

Easy to apply lessons for reteaching difficult algebra concepts Many students have trouble grasping algebra. In this book, bestselling authors Judith, Gary, and Erin Muschla offer help for math teachers who must instruct their students (even those who are struggling) about the complexities of algebra. In simple terms, the authors outline 150 classroom-tested lessons, focused on those concepts often most difficult to understand, in terms that are designed to help all students unravel the mysteries of algebra. Also included are reproducible worksheets that will assist teachers in reviewing and reinforcing algebra concepts and key skills. Filled with classroom-ready algebra lessons designed for students at all levels The 150 mini-lessons can be tailored to a whole class, small groups, or individual students who are having trouble This practical, hands-on resource will help ensure that students really get the algebra they are learning