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Qigong for Multiple Sclerosis Qigong for Multiple Sclerosis

Автор: Nigel Mills

Год издания: 0000

This book has been written to help people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) improve their physical and psychological functioning using the Chinese system of movement and meditation known as Qigong, closely related to Tai Chi. Qigong focuses on the important basic principles of balance, body alignment and energy flow without the need to learn the complex patterns of Tai Chi. People with MS often experience impaired balance, difficulties in walking, tremor, low energy levels, and anxiety. Qigong can be used to improve their day-to-day wellbeing. The program described in this book was developed in a hospital setting and rigorously evaluated, and is cited by the National Institute of Clinical Excellence. Most of the participants reported specific improvements on many dimensions. The author provides a step-by-step guide, with photographs and clear text, to show how people with MS can improve their health and quality of life using Qigong. Many of the exercises can be done either seated or standing, and are suitable for anyone, regardless of their level of ability. He explains how to use Qigong to improve balance and walking, and promote healthy breathing and relaxation. He also explores the role of stress in triggering relapses in MS, and an approach designed to help people with MS overcome previous traumatic events, manage stress, and reduce the likelihood of further relapses is included. This practical book will help people with MS to find achievable ways to improve their lives. It will also be of great interest to carers, teachers of Tai Chi or Qigong, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, nurses and complementary therapists.
Tervendage end qigong'i abiga Tervendage end qigong'i abiga

Автор: Suzanne B. Friedman

Год издания: 

Leebed harjutused energia suurendamiseks, tervise taastamiseks ja vaimu loogastamiseks Qigong on iidne Hiina raviviis, mis koosneb fuusilistest liigutustest, meditatsioonist, loomingulisest visualiseerimisest ja hingamisharjutustest, aitamaks kehale elujoudu anda ja vaimu tervendada. Nagu ka tai chi, kultiveerib qigong keha elujouenergiat parema tervise, suurema energia ja pikaealisuse heaks. Selle voimsad huved on Hiinas juba aastatuhandeid tuntud. See unikaalne raamat esitab ule 100 lihtsa, viieminutilise qigong’i harjutuse, mis on koostatud mitmesuguste terviseprobleemide jaoks, alates valutava selja tugevdamisest ja stressi leevendamisest kuni seksuaalfunktsiooni parandamise ja energia tostmiseni. Voite kasutada seda raamatut selleks, et leida kiiresti parim qigong’i harjutus oma erilisteks fuusilise voi vaimse tervise vajadusteks. Raamat aitab teil kohandada harjutusi, olles ideaalne nii kogenud harjutajate kui qigong’is algajate jaoks. Uuendage oma energiat ja rahustage vaimu Valige ja kombineerige neljast jargnevast alajaotusest: silmapilksed energia lisajad, harjutused fuusilise elujou taastamiseks, emotsioone tasakaalustavad tehnikad, harjutused hinge rahustamiseks. Suzanne B. Friedman, L.Ac., DMQ (Hiina) on akupunkturist, herbalist ja meditsiinilise qigong’i doktor. Friedman on qigong’i meister oma opetaja taoistlikus liinis. Tal on oppetool meditsiinilise qigongiteaduse osakonnas Akupunktuuri ja Integratiivse Meditsiini Kolledzis Berkeley’s, CA.

Celebrating Every Learner. Activities and Strategies for Creating a Multiple Intelligences Classroom Celebrating Every Learner. Activities and Strategies for Creating a Multiple Intelligences Classroom

Автор: Christine Wallach

Год издания: 

Howard Gardner's groundbreaking theory applied for classroom use This important book offers a practical guide to understanding how Howard Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligences (MI) can be used in the classroom. Gardner identified eight different types of intelligence: linguistic, logical, spatial, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, naturalist, interpersonal, and intrapersonal. Celebrating Every Learner describes the characteristics of each type of intelligence and follows up with ready-to-use lesson plans and activities that teachers can use to incorporate MI in their pre-K through 6 classrooms. Offers a treasury of easily implemented activities for engaging all students' multiple intelligences, from the New City School, a leading elementary school at the forefront of MI education Provides ready-to-use lesson plans that teachers can use to incorporate MI in any elementary classroom Includes valuable essays on how and why to integrate MI in the classroom Hoerr is the author of a bi-monthly column for Educational Leadership as well as the editor of the «Intelligence Connections» e-newsletter

Strategy for the Corporate Level. Where to Invest, What to Cut Back and How to Grow Organisations with Multiple Divisions Strategy for the Corporate Level. Where to Invest, What to Cut Back and How to Grow Organisations with Multiple Divisions

Автор: Marcus Alexander

Год издания: 

A revised edition of the bestselling classic This book covers strategy for organisations that operate more than one business, a situation commonly referred to as group-level or corporate-level strategy. Corporate-level strategy addresses four types of decisions that only corporate-level managers can make: which businesses or markets to enter, how much to invest in each business, how to select and guide the managers of these businesses, and which activities to centralise at the corporate level. This book gives managers and executive students all the tools they need to make and review effective corporate strategy across a range of organisations.

Multiple Sclerosis For Dummies Multiple Sclerosis For Dummies

Автор: Rosalind Kalb

Год издания: 

Your trusted, compassionate guide to living with MS Being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) doesn't mean your life is over. Everyone's MS is different and no one can predict exactly what yours will be like. The fact is, lots of people live their lives with MS without making a full-time job of it. Multiple Sclerosis For Dummies gives you accessible, easy-to-understand information about what happens with MS—what kinds of symptoms it can cause, how it can affect your life at home and at work, what you can do to feel and function better, and how you can protect yourself and your family against the long-term unpredictability of the disease. You'll learn how to make treatment and lifestyle choices that work for you, what qualities to look for in a neurologist and the rest of your healthcare team, how to manage fatigue, the pros and cons of alternative medicine, why and how to talk to your kids about MS, stress management strategies, your rights under the Americans with Disabilities act, and so much more. Covers major medical breakthroughs that slow the progression of the disease and improve quality of life for those living with MS Helps those affected by MS and their family members understand the disease and the latest treatment options Helpful and trusted advice on coping with physical, mental, emotional, and financial aspects of MS Complete with listings of valuable resources such as other books, websites, and community agencies and organizations that you can tap for information or assistance, Multiple Sclerosis For Dummies gives you everything you need to make educated choices and comfortable decisions about living with MS.

Multiple Streams of Income. How to Generate a Lifetime of Unlimited Wealth Multiple Streams of Income. How to Generate a Lifetime of Unlimited Wealth

Автор: Robert G. Allen

Год издания: 

In Multiple Streams of Income, bestselling author Robert Allen presents ten revolutionary new methods for generating over $100,000 a year—on a part-time basis, working from your home, using little or none of your own money. For this book, Allen researched hundreds of income-producing opportunities and narrowed them down to ten surefire moneymakers anyone can profit from. This revised edition includes a new chapter on a cutting-edge investing technique.