New Developments in Expressive Arts Therapy
Автор: Группа авторов
Год издания: 0000
This collection reflects on the theory and application of expressive arts today in therapy, education, research and social and ecological change. Bringing the understanding of expressive arts into its contemporary theoretical framework, the book reveals the expansion of the field from its initial focus on therapy alone into a diverse range of other areas of interest to therapists, educators, researchers and those interested in working for social and ecological change. The book also contains a selection of discursive writing, poetry and visual art, highlighting the importance of keeping artistic creativity at the heart of the field. With contributions from pioneering arts therapists, this will be vital reading for arts therapists and students in the field today.
Адаптация билингвальных детей в условиях эмиграции. Asociacion European Association Psychotherapy & Coaching Trainer Psy Positum EAPCT
Автор: Alla Zelcer
Год издания:
Пособие для родителей и учебных заведений. Существует множество ложных суждений, которые порождают все новые и новые мифы, вызывающие страх у родителей в связи с переездом в другую страну. Это пособие возникло в результате необходимости помочь родителям разобраться и преодолеть возможные трудности в адаптации ребенка, а также развеять мифы, связанные с этим вопросом.
Compassion Focused Therapy For Dummies
Автор: Mary Welford
Год издания:
Don't be so hard on yourself – use compassion focused therapy as your guide It's often said that we're our own worst critics—and it's true. Compassion Focused Therapy For Dummies offers straightforward and practical advice that helps you view yourself through a more sympathetic lens. This motivating text covers the key principles of compassion focused therapy, which guide you in caring for your wellbeing, becoming sensitive to your needs, recognising when you are distressed, and extending warmth and understanding to yourself. This transformative resource provides you with metrics that you can use to monitor your progress, including sensitivity, sympathy, empathy, and overall wellbeing. Initially developed to assist people experiencing high levels of shame and self-criticism, compassion focused therapy increases your awareness of the automatic reactions that you experience—and motivates you to combat negative reactions with kindness and affection. Used on its own or in combination with other therapeutic approaches, the value of compassion focused therapy is supported by strong neuropsychological evidence. Understand how to handle difficult emotions with greater ease—and less stress Transform difficult, potentially damaging relationships into positive aspects of your life Encourage and motivate yourself to continually meet your goals, rather than criticise yourself for perceived failures Stop being so hard on yourself, and appreciate yourself for who you are Compassion Focused Therapy For Dummies is a wonderful resource if you are seeing—or thinking about seeing—a therapist who utilises compassion techniques, or if you would like to leverage the principles of compassion focused therapy to manage your own wellbeing.
Confidence and Success with CBT. Small steps to achieve your big goals with cognitive behaviour therapy
Автор: Avy Joseph
Год издания:
Simple, effective techniques for developing a healthier attitude toward life and finding the confidence you need to achieve your goals Offering simple, time-tested techniques for zeroing in on and rewriting negative, self-destructive patterns of thought and behavior that a person can acquire over a lifetime, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a powerful therapeutic approach that has been proven to be highly effective in helping overcome an array of psychological and behavioral problems, from eating disorders and drug addiction to low self-esteem and phobias. Written by one of the world's most recognized CBT therapist teams, this book focuses on one of the greatest barriers to happiness and success at work and in life: lack of confidence. Powerful CBT techniques for becoming more confident, motivated and persuasive and for mastering anxiety and low self-esteem Comprehensive in scope this guide to CBT fundamentals makes an ideal handbook for people interested in implementing CBT techniques in their personal and professional lives, as well as therapists Packed with tips and suggestions for using CBT techniques to improve your everyday life, it helps you identify and «unlearn» unhealthy thoughts and behaviors in order to achieve lasting results Bestselling self-help authors Joseph and Chapman run a world-famous psychological wellness center in London
Visual CBT. Using pictures to help you apply Cognitive Behaviour Therapy to change your life
Автор: Avy Joseph
Год издания:
Many people learn best by following a visual approach – retaining information far more successfully if that information is given to them in a visual manner. Visual CBT uses illustrations, graphics and images to help the reader to alter their thought patterns and change behaviours through CBT to become a happier, healthier individual. Uniquely, it highlights the differences between healthy and unhealthy emotional responses – for example Anxiety instead of Concern – to enable the reader to quickly «picture» how they are reacting, and bring it into line with the healthy type of response. Includes an explanation of the premise of CBT and how it can relate to everyday life Uses exercises and practical tips to examine a whole host of healthy vs. unhealthy scenarios – such as depression vs. sadness, anger vs. annoyance, hurt vs. sorrow, shame vs. regret … and much more Visual CBT is an easy to use guide that can be referred back to time and time again showing how to successfully implement the most important CBT techniques.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy For Dummies
Автор: Rob Willson
Год издания:
An updated edition of the bestselling guide on reprogramming one's negative thoughts and behaviour Once the province of mental health professionals, CBT (or Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) has gained wide acceptance as the treatment of choice for anyone looking to overcome anxiety, manage anger, beat an addiction, lose weight or simply gain a new outlook on life. Written by two CBT therapists, this bestselling guide helps you apply the principles of CBT in your everyday life-allowing you to spot errors in your thinking; tackle toxic thoughts; refocus and retrain your awareness; and finally, stand up to and become free of the fear, depression, anger, and obsessions that have been plaguing you. Includes tips on establishing ten healthy attitudes for living as well as ten ways to lighten up Helps you chart a path by defining problems and setting goals Offers advice on taking a fresh look at your past, overcoming any obstacles to progress as well as ways to maintain your CBT gains Includes new and refreshed content, including chapters on how to beat an addiction and overcome body image issues With indispensable advice on finding your way out of the debilitating maze of negative thoughts and actions, the book is brimming with invaluable suggestions that will have even a confirmed pessimist well armed for the journey forward.