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Complementary Therapies in Maternity Care Complementary Therapies in Maternity Care

Автор: Denise Tiran

Год издания: 0000

The complete textbook on complementary therapies in maternity care, this book addresses how midwives and other birth professionals can use or advise on complementary therapies for pregnant, labouring and new mothers. Almost 90% of women may be using complementary therapies during pregnancy and birth, and increasingly midwives and doulas incorporate therapies into their care of women, so it is vital that they and other professionals in the maternity care field are aware of safe and appropriate use based on contemporary evidence. Therapies covered include acupuncture, herbal medicine, homeopathy, aromatherapy, reflexology, yoga, massage and hypnosis. This complete guide to complementary therapies in pregnancy and childbirth covers safety, effectiveness, evidence, benefits and risks, legal, ethical and professional issues based on accurate and up-to-date research.
Complementary Medicine For Dummies Complementary Medicine For Dummies

Автор: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Год издания: 

A comprehensive guide to what’s what and what works in complementary medicine, this expert guide cuts through the jargon and gives you the facts about the alternatives. Whether you are interested in maintaining your general well-being or relieving the symptoms of a specific complaint, this book outlines all of the therapies available to you – from acupuncture through healing foods to yoga and massage – and tells you what each treatment is most effective for, how to go about finding a practitioner and what to expect from a consultation. Topics covered in Complementary Medicine For Dummies include: Old Dogs – New Tricks: From Ancient Roots to Modern Practice Turning to the Pros for Your Health Diagnosis Reading the Body (Self-Diagnosis) Uncovering Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Revealing Ayurveda’s ‘Science of Life’ Balancing Health With Tibetan Medicine Purifying the Body with Japanese Medicine Dipping Your Toes Into Nature Cure Getting to the Point of Acupuncture Homing in on Homeopathy Unearthing Herbal Medicine Nibbling on Nutritional Medicine Diving into Naturopathy Opening Up with Osteopathy Getting to the Crunch with Chiropractic Moving with Bodywork Therapies Enjoying Massage Therapies Relaxing with Breathing, Relaxation, and Meditation Scenting Out Aromatherapy and Flower and Tree Remedies Connecting with Healing Therapies Getting Your Head Around Psychological Therapies Feeling the Buss of Energy Medicine Having a Go with Creative Therapies Ten Complementary Medicine Tips for Healthy Living Ten Superfoods for Great Health Ten Great Herbal Remedies Appendix A: A-Z of Therapies

The Positive Power of Imagery. Harnessing Client Imagination in CBT and Related Therapies The Positive Power of Imagery. Harnessing Client Imagination in CBT and Related Therapies

Автор: Tammie Ronen

Год издания: 

The Positive Power of Imagerypresents the theory and practice of imagery therapy as a creative intervention that challenges therapists to learn the skills for creatively designing personalized exercises to match clients' specific needs, problems, and personalities. Presents a unique integration of imagery therapy with CBT and positive psychology Challenges therapists to develop imagery therapy techniques tailored to fit their individual clients' personalities and problems Features case illustrations and guidelines for the use of imagery and metaphors for both adults and children

Metabolic Syndrome. Underlying Mechanisms and Drug Therapies Metabolic Syndrome. Underlying Mechanisms and Drug Therapies

Автор: Minghan Wang

Год издания: 

This book provides a comprehensive overview of the development of metabolic syndrome, the underlying mechanisms and therapeutic strategies for drug development. The authors examine the context of underlying molecular pathways and integrated physiology, then expanding the discussion to diseases associated with metabolic syndrome. The development of drug therapies for these diseases and complications is extensively covered. The book offers a comprehensive and in-depth view of energy metabolism, metabolic tissues and pathways, molecular mechanism-based drug discovery and clinical implications.

Handbook of Molecular Microbial Ecology I. Metagenomics and Complementary Approaches Handbook of Molecular Microbial Ecology I. Metagenomics and Complementary Approaches

Автор: Frans J. de Bruijn

Год издания: 

The premiere two-volume reference on revelations from studying complex microbial communities in many distinct habitats Metagenomics is an emerging field that has changed the way microbiologists study microorganisms. It involves the genomic analysis of microorganisms by extraction and cloning of DNA from a group of microorganisms, or the direct use of the purified DNA or RNA for sequencing, which allows scientists to bypass the usual protocol of isolating and culturing individual microbial species. This method is now used in laboratories across the globe to study microorganism diversity and for isolating novel medical and industrial compounds. Handbook of Molecular Microbial Ecology is the first comprehensive two-volume reference to cover unculturable microorganisms in a large variety of habitats, which could not previously have been analyzed without metagenomic methodology. It features review articles as well as a large number of case studies, based largely on original publications and written by international experts. This first volume, Metagenomics and Complementary Approaches, covers such topics as: Background information on DNA reassociation and use of 16 rRNA and other DNA fingerprinting approaches Species designation in microbiology Metagenomics: Introduction to the basic tools with examples Consortia and databases Bioinformatics Computer-assisted analysis Complementary approaches—microarrays, metatranscriptomics, metaproteomics, metabolomics, and single cell analysis A special feature of this volume is the highlighting of the databases and computer programs used in each study; they are listed along with their sites in order to facilitate the computer-assisted analysis of the vast amount of data generated by metagenomic studies. Handbook of Molecular Microbial Ecology I is an invaluable reference for researchers in metagenomics, microbiology, and environmental microbiology; those working on the Human Microbiome Project; microbial geneticists; molecular microbial ecologists; and professionals in molecular microbiology and bioinformatics.

Complementary Medicine for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses Complementary Medicine for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses

Автор: Nancy Scanlan

Год издания: 

Complementary Medicine for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses is the first resource on holistic veterinary care written specifically for the veterinary technician. Organized by treatment modality, the book offers practical information designed to help readers develop an understanding of each modality, assist with procedures associated with holistic medicine, and knowledgeably discuss treatment options with clients. Outlining the respective roles of technicians and veterinarians throughout, this book is a welcome reference for readers looking to expand their knowledge of complementary veterinary medicine and introduce additional treatment options in their practice.