Molecular Hematology
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Searching for Molecular Solutions. Empirical Discovery and Its Future
Автор: Ian Dunn S.
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A comprehensive look at empirical approaches to molecular discovery, their relationships with rational design, and the future of both Empirical methods of discovery, along with serendipitous and rational design approaches, have played an important role in human history. Searching for Molecular Solutions compares empirical discovery strategies for biologically useful molecules with serendipitous discovery and rational design, while also considering the strengths and limitations of empirical pathways to molecular discovery. Logically arranged, this text examines the different modes of molecular discovery, empha-sizing the historical and ongoing importance of empirical strategies. Along with a broad overview of the subject matter, Searching for Molecular Solutions explores: The differing modes of molecular discovery Biological precedents for evolutionary approaches Directed evolutionary methods and related areas Enzyme evolution and design Functional nucleic acid discovery Antibodies and other recognition molecules General aspects of molecular recognition Small molecule discovery approaches Rational molecular design The interplay between empirical and rational strategies and their ongoing roles in the future of molecular discovery Searching for Molecular Solutions covers several major areas of modern research, development, and practical applications of molecular sciences. This text offers empirical-rational principles of broad relevance to scientists, professionals, and students interested in general aspectsof molecular discovery, as well as the thought processes behind experimental approaches. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
Self-Assembled Supramolecular Architectures. Lyotropic Liquid Crystals
Автор: Nissim Garti
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This book will describe fundamentals and recent developments in the area of Self-Assembled Supramolecular Architecture and their relevance to the understanding of the functionality of membranes as delivery systems for active ingredients. As the heirarchial architectures determine their performance capabilities, attention will be paid to theoretical and design aspects related to the construction of lyotropic liquid crystals: mesophases such as lamellar, hexagonal, cubic, sponge phase micellosomes. The book will bring to the reader mechanistic aspects, compositional considerations, transition within phases, solubilization capacities, drug entrapment and release mechanisms and transmembrane, transdermal, and other transport phenomena. It will stress the importance of these mesostructures to crystallization and polymorphism of drugs, fats, and nutraceuticals and will discuss regioselectivity of organic and enzymatic reactions that take place at interfaces and within the channels of the mesophase. The book will bring studies on the use of these mesophase as crystallization or particulation media for the formation of nanoparticles and nanocrystals. Chapters will discuss applications in the areas of pharmaceuticals, food, cosmetics, plastics, paper, agro-chemistry and industrial applications.
Molecular Metal-Metal Bonds. Compounds, Synthesis, Properties
Автор: Stephen Liddle T.
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Systematically covering all the latest developments in the field, this is a comprehensive and handy introduction to metal-metal bonding. The chapters follow a uniform, coherent structure for a clear overview, allowing readers easy access to the information. The text covers such topics as synthesis, properties, structures, notable features, reactivity and examples of applications of the most important compounds in each group with metal-metal bonding throughout the periodic table. With its general remarks at the beginning of each chapter, this is a must-have reference for all molecular inorganic chemists, including PhD students and postdocs, as well as more experienced researchers.
Ideas in Chemistry and Molecular Sciences. Advances in Nanotechnology, Materials and Devices
Автор: Bruno Pignataro
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Written by some of the most talented young chemists in Europe, this text covers most of the groundbreaking issues in materials science. It provides an account of the latest research results in European materials chemistry based on a selection of leading young scientists participating in the 2008 European Young Chemists Award competition. The contributions range from nanotechnology to catalysis. In addition, the authors provide a current overview of their field of research and a preview of future directions. For materials scientists, as well as organic and analytical chemists.
Ideas in Chemistry and Molecular Sciences. Advances in Synthetic Chemistry
Автор: Bruno Pignataro
Год издания:
Written by some of the most talented young chemists in Europe, this text covers most of the groundbreaking issues in chemistry. It provides an account of the latest research results in European chemistry based on a selection of leading young scientists participating in the 2008 European Young Chemists Award competition. The contributions range from self-organization to new catalytic synthetic methodologies to organocatalysis. In addition, the authors provide a current overview of their field of research and a preview of future directions. For organic, catalytic, natural products and biochemists.