Inspired by the often uncomfortable interplay between autistic individuals, parents and professionals in understanding autistic spectrum conditions, Olga Bogdashina uses the concept of Theory of Mind (ToM) to consider these groups' different (and often conflicting) perspectives. ToM is the ability to imagine and make judgements about what others feel and think; its absence in autistic individuals is called 'mindblindness'. This book addresses the 'mindblindness' of people united in their interest in autism but divided by their different angles and perspectives. Divided into four parts, the book first defines autism, then the views of the three main groups working with it – autistic individuals, parents and professionals – under the headings of classifications, diagnosis, causes, development, theories and treatment. By comparing and reconciling the different perspectives in this way, the book helps each group to understand and predict each other's responses and behaviours. This enlightening and innovative book offers a unique way of 'stepping in each other's shoes' and is a valuable resource for all people living or working with autism. Получить ссылку |
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: Theory and Technique
Автор: Gracie Renzo, Gracie Royler, Danaher John
Год издания:
During the last decade, the martial arts world has looked to innovative mixed martial arts competitions such as the Ultimate Fighting Championship to determine which fighting style is the best. These contests have repeatedly shown the grappling style of martial arts, headed by Brazilian jiu-jitsu, to dominate. The Brazilian jiu-jitsu style stems from the premise, garnered from analysis of actual street fights, that the outcome of any fight is decided on the ground. While most martial arts deal only with the initial punching and kicking stages of combat, Brazilian jiu-jitsu concentrates on ground combat. This guide shows how to use Brazilian jiu-jitsu to increase combat effectiveness. Photographs and step-by-step instructions show how to master the techniques used in this exciting new form of combat.
Renzo Gracie, a two-time world Abu Dhabi submission jiu-jitsu champion, two-time Brazilian national champion, World Combat champion, and Martial Arts Reality Superfight champion, teaches Brazilian jiu-jitsu at an elite martial arts academy. Royler Gracie has competed in the Black Belt ranks for 20 years, winning the world title four times and the Abu Dhabi world submission championship for two consecutive years. They live in New York City.
Theory and practical aspects of Internationa settlements. Economic cooperation
Автор: Николай Камзин
Год издания:
As part of the dynamics of international economic cooperation by the need for mutual settlement operations, so the problem of organization of settlements is an important place for the economically active subjects, especially in a globalized economic space in the functioning of transnational structures and scale of the export, import and international financial transactions. In agreeing on the order of calculations, the participants determined the form of payment in order to fulfill the financial obligations of the agreement – regulated by means of voluntary compliance through a credit institution liabilities, characterized by specific features on the order of transfer of funds to the account, a certain kind of settlement document, as well as office procedures. The source of payment relations is the need to have one contractor expressed in the appropriate disposition, the other in shortage. This relationship gives rise as a consequence of the relationship with the lending institution. Need to accession will intensify in the subjects of international payment relationship.
A treatise on mensuration both in theory and practice
Автор: Charles Hutton
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «A treatise on mensuration : both in theory and practice / by Charles Hutton».
Autism. Diagnoosimise alused ja suhtumine autistidesse
Автор: Temple Grandin & Richard Panek
Год издания:
"Sonal „autism” on ka praegusel ajal paljude inimeste jaoks kohutav tahendus: silme ette tulevad konetud, stereotuupidega, karjuvad, kontaktivoimetud lapsed, ning enamik inimesi ei motle selle peale, milline saab olema nende laste tulevik. Samuti ei tea me veel siiani piisavalt pohjalikult autismispektri hairete pohjuste kohta.Selle raamatu autor Temple Grandin on ise autistlik inimene, kes on oma norkusi ja tugevusi tundma oppinud, nii et ta on elus hasti hakkama saanud: leidnud too, lopetanud ulikooli, saanud teadlaseks, ning ta on uurinud kogu elu autismi olemust ja pohjusi.Ta jagab selles raamatus soovitusi, kuidas keskenduda autismispektri hairetega laste tugevustele, kuidas toetada nende arengut, haridusteed ja kuidas leida neile toovoimalusi. Tema kogemuste kirjeldused ja mitmekesised soovitused on vaga vaartuslikud koikidele autistlike laste vanematele, aga ka koigile spetsialistidele, kes tootavad nende lastega. Arvestades koiki neid selle raamatu teemakasitlusi, saaks ka meie haridussusteem pakkuda autismispektri hairega lastele just neile sobivaimat oppimisvoimalust.Autorite nouanded selle kohta, kuidas aidata autistlikel lastel elus toime tulla, on sedavord elulised ja realistlikud, et need voiks juhendmaterjalina kaasa anda koikidele vanematele, kui nende laps saab autismispektri hairete diagnoosi.Mida rohkem me saame teada autistliku aju eriparadest ja sellest, kuidas kaasaegseid uuringuid ara kasutada, seda paremini suudame me leida nendele lastele paremaid voimalusi toimetulekuks. Temple Grandin on vaga hea eeskuju koikidele autismispektri hairega inimestele – tema elukaik naitab, mida on voimalik saavutada suure too ja realistliku lahenemisega. Me koik ju soovime autismispektri hairega lastele just samalaadset tulevikku – iseseisvat toimetulekut ja taisvaartuslikku elu – ning see raamat aitab meil selle poole puuelda.
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