Sisterhood of the Spectrum
Автор: Jennifer Cook O'Toole
Год издания: 0000
Spectrum gals, ever wished you had a handbook to help navigate the confusing world of teenage girlhood? Look no further! Aspie-in-the-know, Jennifer Cook O'Toole provides just that with her inspirational guide to life for teenage girls with Asperger syndrome. Drawing on her own, real-life experiences rather than preaching from textbooks, she covers everything you need (and want!) to know, from body shapes and love interests to bullying, friendships and how to discover and celebrate your unique, beautiful self. With illustrations by an Aspie teen and inspirational quotes from well-known, female Aspie voices, including Temple Grandin, Rudy Simone, Robyn Steward, and Haley Moss, Sisterhood of the Spectrum is your perfect companion on the «yellow brick road» to womanhood. It will leave you empowered, informed and excited to be different.
Early Intervention Games. Fun, Joyful Ways to Develop Social and Motor Skills in Children with Autism Spectrum or Sensory Processing Disorders
Автор: Барбара Шер
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A resource of fun games for parents or teachers to help young children learn social and motor skills Barbara Sher, an expert occupational therapist and teacher, has written a handy resource filled with games to play with young children who have Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or other sensory processing disorders (SPD). The games are designed to help children feel comfortable in social situations and teach other basic lessons including beginning and end, spatial relationships, hand-eye coordination, and more. Games can also be used in regular classrooms to encourage inclusion. A collection of fun, simple games that can improve the lives of children with ASD or other SPDs. Games can be played by parents or teachers and with individual children or groups. Games are designed to make children more comfortable in social situations and to develop motor and language skills Also included are a variety of interactive games to play in water, whether in a backyard kiddie pool, community swimming pool, or lake All the games are easy-to-do, utilizing common, inexpensive materials, and include several variations and modifications
Social Skills Success for Students with Autism / Asperger's. Helping Adolescents on the Spectrum to Fit In
Автор: Fred Frankel
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The only evidence-based program available for teaching social skills to adolescents with autism spectrum disorders Two nationally known experts in friendship formation and anxiety management address the social challenges faced by adolescents with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The book helps educators instruct youth on conversing with others, displaying appropriate body language, managing anxiety, initiating and participating in get-togethers, and more. The book is filled with helpful information on ASD to aid teachers who have received little training on the topic. Extremely practical, the book includes lesson plans, checklists, and sidebars with helpful advice. Based on UCLA's acclaimed PEERS program, the only evidence-based approach to teaching social skills to adolescents with ASD Contains best practices for working with parents, which is the key to helping kids learn social skills The authors discuss the pros and cons of teaching students with ASD in educational settings like full inclusion (good for academics but bad for social skills) and pull-out special day classes (where the reverse is true) Provides a much-needed book for teachers at all levels for helping students develop the skills they need to be successful.
Diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorders. A Lifespan Perspective
Автор: Donald Gallo P.
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Diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Lifespan Perspective is the first book of its kind to provide authoritative information for medical and mental health professionals on how to properly evaluate and diagnose autism spectrum disorders in individuals of all ages. The first book of its kind which demonstrates how to conduct an appropriate diagnostic interview to assess a child for an Autism Spectrum Disorder Considers the issues of Autism Spectrum Disorders in children, teenagers, and adults Aimed at both medical and mental health professionals Includes an in-depth treatment of the entire diagnostic process
Disorders of Personality. Introducing a DSM / ICD Spectrum from Normal to Abnormal
Автор: Theodore Millon
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Now in its Third Edition, this book clarifies the distinctions between the vast array of personality disorders and helps clinicians make accurate diagnoses. It has been thoroughly updated to incorporate the changes in the forthcoming DSM-5. Using the classification scheme he pioneered, Dr. Millon guides clinicians through the intricate maze of personality disorders, with special attention to changes in their conceptualization over the last decade. Extensive new research is included, as well as the incorporation of over 50 new illustrative and therapeutically detailed cases. This is every mental health professional's essential volume to fully understanding personality.
Essentials of Autism Spectrum Disorders Evaluation and Assessment
Автор: Ventola Pamela E.
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Quickly acquire the knowledge and skills you need to utilize the varied assessments frequently used in evaluating autism spectrum disorders With both the detection and awareness of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) on the rise, there is an urgent need for an increasing number of professionals to not only learn about the nature and course of the various autism spectrum disorders, but also to know how to identify, assess, and diagnose the presence of these disorders. Essentials of Autism Spectrum Disorders Evaluation and Assessment addresses the main domains of assessment, defines the purpose of the assessment, suggests test instruments, and discusses the unique clinical applications of each instrument to the diagnosis of ASD. Like all the volumes in the Essentials of Psychological Assessment series, each concise chapter features numerous callout boxes highlighting key concepts, bulleted points, and extensive illustrative material, as well as test questions that help you gauge and reinforce your grasp of the information covered. Providing an in-depth look at ASD evaluation and assessment, this straightforward book includes samples of integrated reports from comprehensive model diagnostic evaluations and prepares clinical and school psychologists, as well as speech and language pathologists, to effectively evaluate and assess ASD. Complete coverage of the identification andassessment of autism spectrum disorders Expert advice on avoiding common pitfalls Conveniently formatted for rapid reference Other titles in the Essentials of Psychological Assessment series: Essentials of Dyslexia Assessment and Intervention Essentials of Assessment Report Writing Essentials of School Neuropsychological Assessment Essentials of Evidence-Based Academic Interventions Essentials of Specific Learning Disability Identification Essentials of Processing Assessment Essentials of Executive Function Assessment Essentials of Cross-Battery Assessment, Second Edition